What declension would I use for frater, fratris (m.)?
3rd Decl.- NOT an istem
The fourth conjugation is marked by what vowel?
Marcus primum manus, tum faciem lavat.
Marcus washes his hands first, then his face.
Davus Marco librum et _________ et stylum et regulam affert.
Num Davus Marcum vestit?
Non vestit.
How do I know if something is an istem?
1. Nom/Gen are the same
2. one syllable with several consonants
We add ___ as an infix for the imperfect tense. (GIVE BOTH OPTIONS)
Marcus vestimenta sua a servo poscit.
Marcus demands his clothing from the servant.
Intrans Sextus sedet _______ in sella.
Utrum bracchium viro togato nudum est?
How do you create a participle for venio, venire? List the steps.
1. Determine the conjugation= 4th
2. Drop the -O
3. Add -E
4. Add endings: ns, ntis, etc.
How do I find the perfect stem?
Drop the i from the 3rd pp
Si frater tuus aeger est, in ludum ire non potest.
If your brother is sick, he is not able to go to school.
Tunica et toga sunt _______ Marci.
Cur Marcus non lacrimat?
Convenit non lacrimare puer Romanus.
What are the personal pronouns for you/y'all in the nominative case?
tu, vos
Give a synopsis in the 3rd. sing. of voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus
PRES vocat- He/She/It calls
IMPERF vocabat- He/She/It was calling
FUT vocabit- He/She/It will call
PERF vocavit- He/She/It has called
PLUPF vocaverat- He/She/It had called
FUTPF vocaverit- He/She/It will have called
Magister Marcum Tito tabulam redire iubet.
The teacher orders Marcus to return Titus' tablet.
Miles gladium gerit manu _________, sed scutum manu __________.
dextra, sinistra
Estne calida aqua quam Davus Marco affert?
Non, sed frigida aqua est.
What are the three types of adjectives?
Attributive, Predicative, Substantive
Describe the difference between the perfect, pluperfect and future perfect tenses. Consider the time when they occur.
Perfect = past tense
Pluperfect = further in the past, before the perfect
Future perfect= happens in the future but before another future event
Verum dicitis; quod Marcus dicit verum non est.
You all speak the truth; what Marcus says is not true.
Servus _________ puerum dormientem excitat.
HINT: participle
clamans, exclamans
Quo magister puerum redire iubet?
Ad sellam suam redire iubet.