nouns and adjective agree in what three things?
case, number, gender
The second conjugation is marked by what vowel?
Who is the son of the king of Troy?
nunc (adv): _________
Give the person, number, tense and voice of timebor
1st sing. future passive
What are the three types of adjectives?
Attributive, Predicative, Substantive
We add ___ as an infix for the imperfect tense.
Why did Jupiter throw the golden apple to the earth?
He was afraid to judge the contest between his wife and sisters.
maritus, ________ (____): ____________
maritus, mariti (m): husband, marriage
Identify the adjective in the sentence and its type.
"The soul of the man is not beautiful."
Beautiful- predicative adjective (after the verb- is)
An adjective that is used as a noun is called ____.
What are the present forms of eo?
eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt
Who are Menelaus and Agamemnon?
Menelaus- king of Sparta, husband of Helen
Agamemnon- king of all Greece
aedifico, _______, ________, _________: ________
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus: to build
Give the 2nd pl. imperf. passive form of habeo, habere
Name at least three different types/uses for the ablative case.
Ablative of.. time, place, manner, accompaniment, means/instrument, personal agent
Give the passive endings for the FUTURE tense.
Bor, Beris, Bitur, Bimur, Bimini, Buntur
What price does Diana demand to send the Greeks to war?
Sacrifice of Agamemnon's daughter
fugio, ________, __________, ________: ________
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugitum: to flee
Translate and identify the type of ablative:
Puer laetus a puella misera vocabatur.
The happy boy was called by the miserable girl.
Ablative of personal agent
In the following sentence, what case, number and gender is the underlined word? What type of adjective is it?
Regina a bono amatur.
ablative sing. masc. (personal agent)
substantive adjective
Give a synopsis in the 3rd. sing. PASSIVE of teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus
PRES. tenetur He/She/It is held
IMPERF. tenebatur He/She/It was held
FUT. tenebitur He/She/It will be held
Quae est pulcherrima dea?
interficio, ______, _______, ________: ________
Interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum: to kill (as in… generally dying)
Translate: Multa sunt studia vitae bonae.