What is the spanish word for pancakes?
What is panqueques
Que es una Hamburgesa con queso?
What is a hamburger with cheese
How would you say" I would like eggs with bacon"
What is Me gustaria ordenar huevos con tocino
Yogur con fresas translates to?
What is yogurt with strawberries
Yo quiero una manzana
What is I want an apple
What is the spanish word for turkey?
What is palvo
Que es un perro caliente?
What is a hotdog
How would you say" I would like pancakes with butter"?
What is Me gustaria ordenar los panqueques con mantequilla
Galletas con leche translates to ?
What is cookies with milk
Yo quiero cuatro panqueques sin mantequilla
What is I want 4 pancakes without butter
What is the spanish word for icecream?
What is helado
Que es maiz?
What is corn?
How would you say " I would like to order coffee with cream and sugar"?
What is Me gustaria ordenar Cafe con crema y azucar
Arroz con palvo translates to?
What is rice with turkey
Yo quiero quince alas con papas fritas picantes
What is I want 15 wings with spicy fries
What is the spanish word for butter?
What is mantequilla
Que es el desayuno,almuerzo y cena?
What is Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
How would I say " I would like chicken with rice "
What is Me gustaria ordenar Pollo con arroz
Un Bocadillo con bistec translates to ?
What is a Sandwich with steak
How do I say I want 4 coffees with cream.
How do I say "I would like to order" in spanish?
What is "Me gustaria Ordenar"
Que es un te caliente?
What is hot tea
How would I say "I would like wings with french fries"
What is "Me gustaria Alas con papas fritas"
Huevos con queso pero sin tocino translates to
What is eggs with cheese but without bacon
How do I say I want 5 Hamburgers, 3 hotdogs and 2 salads
What is yo quiero cinco hamburgesas,tres perros calientes y dos ensaladas