How do you say the mother in french?
La mère.
Le mari
The husband
Un lapin
The bunny
How do you spell the cousin (f) in french
La cousine.
Seh oh ooh ess ee en uh
How do you say wife in french
La femme.
How do you say the daughter in french?
La fille.
Le cousin
the Cousin (m)
Les crayon
How do you spell sister in french?
La soeur.
ell ah seh oh uh ooh air
what is la tante in english?
The aunt.
How do you say the brother in french
Le frère.
The uncle
les ciseaux
the scissors
How do you spell the husband in french?
Le mari.
Ell uh em ah air ee
How do you say the son in law in french?
Le gendre.
How do you say the grandmother in french?
La grand-mère
The friend
La chambre
The bedroom
How do you say the stepsister in french?
La belle soeur
How do you say the daughter in law in french?
La bru.
How do you say granddaughter in french?
La petite-fille.
La bru
The daughter in law
la cuisine
The kitchen
How do you spell friend in french?
ľ ami / ľ amie
Ell' ah em ee/ell'ah em ee uh
what does la belle-mère mean in english
The stepmother.