the mother
la mere
la soeur
the sister
the daughter in law(French alphabet)
la bru (ell-ah beh-air-ooh)
my pet
mon animal de companie
how do you say the husband in french?
le mari
the uncle
le neveu
the nephew
the son in law ( French Alphabet)
le gendre (ell-uh zheh-uh-en-deh-air-uh)
voici son-petit -fils
here is his/her little grandson
what is le gendre in english?
the son in law
the aunt
la tante
le frere
the brother
the husband (French Alphabet)
le mari (ell-uh em-ah-air-ee)
ma mere est tres gentil.
my mother is very kind
turn cousin(m) into cousin(f)
the cousin (male)
Le cousin
son pere
his/her father
the wife (French alphabet)
la femme (ell-ah eff-uh-em-em-uh)
spell neighbour in french (female)French pronouciation
voisine (veh-oh-ee-ess-ee-en-uh)
what is the sister in French
la soeur
the stepmother
la belle-mere
la niece
the niece
my son(spell in french)
mon fils (em-oh-en eff-ee-ell-ess)
my stepmothers husband is called Joe
Le mari de ma belle-mère s'appelle Joe
How do you spell husband in French(french alphabet pronuonciation)
mari (em-ah-air-ee)