Spanish (Speaking) Cultural Art Forms
Historia Chicana/Latina
Fun Facts About Mx. Daly

The world or the planet

What is el mundo?


To cook

What is cocinar?

These intricately designed pieces of tissue paper are typically created to commemorate special occasions like birthdays and holidays like Día de Los Muertos.

What is papel picado?


El Movimiento, the Mexican-American civil rights movement, was a time of reclamation for Spanish speakers in the United States. At the time, this word was used among English and Spanish speakers as a classist and racist slur to refer to working class Mexican Americans in Spanish-speaking neighborhoods. 

What is Chicano?


I told you this question would be here, so hopefully you remembered which Spanish-speaking country mi tía is from.

What is Columbia?


The national bird of the United States of America

What is águila?


To leave

What is salir?


This specific kind of roofing tile gets its namesake from the country to which it owes its origin.

What is Spanish tile?


The Chicano movement predominantly fought for the rights of these workers; as it was the primary occupation of many Mexican-Americans in the United States.

Who are farmers/farm workers?

Before teaching here at CIVA, my first experience with the school was performing with students in this musical.

What is Seussical the Musical?


A cowboy

What is un gaucho?


To lose something

What is perder?


Traditionally, these Mexican cultural staples have 7 points on them which symbolize the 7 deadly sins of Catholicism.  Breaking them symbolizes a person's triumph over temptation and sin.

What is a piñata?


The Chicano Generation instinctively recognized that it had a counter-history that it needed to discover. This meant exploring its indigenous and mestizo (Indian and Spanish, and even African and Asian) past: its roots in Mexican history, including the Mexican Revolution which occurred in this year?

What is 1910?


Even though I may wear a kilt on St. Patrick's Day (cursed be his name), my heritage comes mostly from this country which is not known for wearing kilts.

What is Ireland?


A women's wallet or coin purse

What is el monedero?


If you are unsure of what to do next, you many need to use this verb to ask other person for assistance.

What is ayudar?


Shown in Disney's "Coco" these artistic pieces are made of cardboard or of copal wood that you can find anywhere in Mexico, especially in Oaxaca. They represent creatures made of parts of different animals.


What are alebrijes?


While many movements in history have overlooked this demographic, the Chicano movement brought specific and urgent subjects to the table such as patriarchalism, intersecting identities, imperialism, colonialism, and social inequality as they pertain to this group. 

Who are women/What is feminism?


Throughout my life, I have studied many different forms of martial arts.  Whichever group can name the most forms will get these points.

What are Wing Chun, Kenpo, Shaolin, Karate, Jiu-Jit-Su, Tai-Kwon-Do, Jeet-Kun-Do, Tang-Su-Do, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Boxing, Ninjutsu, Kendo?


The colloquial phrase in Spanish meaning "to overthink"

What is "comerse el coco" or "to eat one's coconut"?


Many people like to end written correspondence with these verbs, symbolized by x's and o's.

What are abrazar and besar?


These colorful, hand-woven blouses are often worn by female descendants of the Mayan peoples.

What is a huipil?


This man was was of the major leaders of El Movimiento.  He and Dolores Huerta were the founders and leaders of the National Farm Workers Association, later named United Farm Workers (UFW). 

Who is Cesar Chavez?


As a child, my reading level was much higher than my grade level, which led me to read this upper level novel while still in the 6th grade.  It is still in the running for my favorite book of all time (with a few other notable novels).

What is Ender's Game?
