Main Ideas & Inferences
Narrative Writing

These go on each side of something that is said out loud by a character in a text.

What are quotation marks?


An inference made from the following: The Twirl-Whirl ride has the longest line. People who get off the ride are laughing and get in line again.

What is: The Twirl-Whirl must be a fun ride.


The first step in writing a narrative.

What is "brainstorming?"


This sentence is missing something:

the raccoon's name is racooney. 

What are a capitalized letter at the beginning of the sentence and a capitalized letter at the beginning of the sentence?


e-l-e-c-t-i-o-n is the correct spelling of the word.

How do you spell election?


These go on both sides of something that you borrow from another text to use in your own text.

What are quotation marks?


An inference made from the following:

Logan is crying. He is sitting under a tree with broken branches. His arm is bleeding.

What is: "Logan fell out of the tree and hurt his arm."


The second step in narrative writing.

What is "planning" or "making a graphic organizer?"


This sentence is missing something:

I put banana yogurt blueberries and milk in my smoothie.

What are commas after each item listed?


The root word of exploration.

What is "explore."


This goes before the last pair of quotation marks in a dialogue.

What is punctuation?


An inference made from the following: "Logan fell out of the tree and hurt his arm."

What is : "Ginny is happy about her upcoming trip."


The introduction.

What is the first part of a narrative text?


The things that are included in a summary of a text.

What are "author, title, main topic, main ideas, and supporting details."



How do you spell "machine?"


Start a new line of dialogue and indent.

What does an author do to show that a new person is speaking?


An inference made from the following: 

  • Fort Morgan was built to replace a structure of earth and wood.
  • Earth materials such as mud and wood are weak. They are not be the best materials to build a protective fort.
  • Forts are homes for soldiers

What is: "Fort Morgan was built to replace an earth structure because it needed to be stronger to protect soldiers.



What is the writing step in which you fix mistakes?


The 3 types of informative texts.

Historical, Scientific, and Technical.


This word means "across the atlantic."

What is transatlantic?


Where the quotation marks should go in this sentence:

Fine, I sighed looking at the floor. I will let Alexandra try my new video game, said Alex.

What is before "fine" and after the comma following "fine", before "I", and after the comma after "game".


The main ideas from this passage:

During the Great Depression, families did what they could to survive. Since men struggled to make enough money to care for their families, women had to leave their homes to join the work force. Both parents worked up to seven days a week; sometimes starting their work as early as 3 a.m.
Family Life
Families moved out of their homes and moved into make-shift shelters, called shanties, that they rented for a week. They had to live in smaller spaces without the luxuries they were accustomed to. Even running water was a convenience they learned to live without. Every member of the family pitched in. If both parents were working, older children would take care of their siblings and even find jobs themselves. During this time, young children were able work long hours at dangerous jobs.

What is: During the Great Depression, life was difficult, and both parents had to work.


All the steps of the narrative writing process.

What are brainstorming, planning/graphic organizer, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, revising, editing, and publishing?


The word for when the relationship is not directly stated in a text.

What is "implicit?"


The word for the phrases an author uses to describe what they want you to see, feel, taste, smell, and hear when you read their story.

What are sensory details?
