des ananas is the French word for...
"some onion" is the English words for...
des oignons
spell the French word for cheese
Je manger du fromage
an extra "r" in "manger"-> "MANGE"
Say/ write 3 ingredients that would be on a pepperoni pizza in French
du fromage, du pepperoni, de la tomate sauce
olives noires is the French word for...
black olives
"some shrimp" is the English word for...
des crevettes
spell the French word for shrimps
je n'aime les tomates
"pas" is missing-> je n'aime pas
In French say 4 ingredients that would be on a Hawaiian pizza
du fromage, de la sauce tomate sauce, de l' ananas, du jambon
fromage is the French word for...
"some peppers" is the English word for...
des poivrons
c'est buon
c'est bon
In French say/ write 4 toppings for a meat lovers pizza
le bacon, le jambon, le boeuf hache et la saucisse.
boeuf hache is the French word for...
ground beef
"some anchovies" is the English words for
des anchois
du poivron vert, des crevette, des piments rouges
"s" is missing " des crevettes"
In French say 2 toppings for a seafood-style pizza.
des crevettes et des anchois.
jambon is the French word for...
"some" in the English word for
des, du, de la, de l'
du boeuf hache du jambon de l'anchois
the accent above the "e" in haché is missing.
Nomme 4 sortes de pizza en francais.
pizza simple, hawaiienne, au pepperoni, supreme, speciale, mexicaine, aux fruits de mer, deluxe,vegetarienne.