Off campus trips
Rules of conduct
Cell phone policy

Who should you always check in with before going on an off grounds trip. 

The running supervisor or nursing to see if nay meds, inhalers or epi pens need to be brought 


Its okay to sleep if you are working on the overnight shift 



Who is allowed to use a phone while on the floor and why ? 

Only a shift supervisor or an administrator and only for the purpose of doing business related to the operation of the program.


As of 10/9/24 AG, AGF, BP, GL, and TD are all on what list

Hint- this list can be found in the CRB  

The booster seat list 


How soon after a work related accident should you report it to a supervisor 

Within 24 hours 


What are the approved places where staff with permission are allowed to post pictures of students?

Class dojo, photos taken with a JRI issues cell phone 


True or False: When off campus with students you are allowed to decide to change the plan or add stops as long as they are near where you were originally going 

FALSE: you can you change the plan or add stops with permission from the shift supervisor first 


You are allowed to bring things in for kids if they ask and it is a reasonable request i.e. new socks 

No you can never bring in anything for students 


What is an appropriate time for a staff to allow a student to use this cell phone 



What are 3 expectations you should review with students before going on an off grounds trip

seat assignments, music (agree on a radio station), no swearing, be respectful, everyone goes to the bathroom as a group, everyone stays together, where you are going, expectations for what is happening when you get back to campus 


If you see someone violating JRI rules of conduct who can you communicate that to 

Shift supervisor, my immediate supervisor, any administrator, Cooperate 


Where are the Littleton Academy no screen zones 

Dining hall and sensory rooms


You should take these steps to wrap up the vans after a trip 

complete milage log, make sure vans are clean, return keys


If you have taken a different physical intervention course you are allowed to use that as long as you are still certified in that technique 

NO!!!! Only BCC approved techniques 


If you need to use your phone on your shift what should you do?

Ask the sup to go off the floor away from kids 
