Context Clues
Reference Materials
Figurative Language

The crowd is cheering loudly.

Men in helmets are running down a field.

One man throws a brown ball.

What is going on?

What is ... a football game is being played.


This made Bear so furious that he said he would smash the house, Cricket and all of Cricket's family.  This made Cricket angry.  "I have a friend who is only half my size, but he is mighty enough to beat you in a fight."

What does the word furious mean in paragraph 5 of this story?

What is ... very angry.


Where would a reader most likely find information about butterflies?

A) on a website about leaves

B) in a book about hairy worms

C) on a website about insects

D) in a book about colorful wings

What is ... D.  In a book about colorful wings.


Awesome alligators always ate apples on Saturdays.

This is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is ... alliteration.


What is the root word in teaches?

What is ... teach.


Someone asks "are we there yet?"

The car is filled with suitcases.

Your parents missed the exit.

What is happening?

What is ... a family road trip.


It was the first snowfall of the year. A big snowstorm swept through the town during the middle of the night. Craig woke up and looked out his window. The entire town was covered with a blanket of white. In order to take a better look, Craig ran to the front door and opened it slightly. To his surprise, there was almost a foot of snow on the ground.

What does the word swept mean in paragraph 1 of this story?

What is ... came through.


Jose noticed the word big was used many times in his story. Where could he find other words that mean the same as big?

What is ... in a thesaurus.


I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!

This sentence is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is ... hyperbole.


Deconstruct the word unplanted

Prefix - Root - Suffix


What is ... 

Prefix: un

Root: plant

Suffix: ed


The doctor tells you to stay home.

Your throat hurts.

Your Mom brings you soup to eat.

What is happening?

What is ... you have strep throat.


Slowly they started sorting through their tangled belongings.

In this sentence, what does the word tangled mean?

What is ... jumbled.


Which book would you use if you wanted to learn more about what people ate in Ancient Greece?

A) Traveling to Greece

B) Ancient Greece Myths

C) Greek Government

D) Life in Ancient Greece

What is ... D.  Life in Ancient Greece.


The room is as hot as an oven.

This sentence is an example of what type of figurative language?

What is ... a simile.

Remember ... "similes use like or as and metaphors need none of that - they just say exactly what they need to say."


Deconstruct the word replayed

Prefix - Root - Suffix

What is ... 

Prefix: re

Root: play

Suffix: ed


You put the leash on Fluffy.

Fluffy looks excited when you walk towards the door.

You hold on tightly when you leave the house.

What is happening?

What is ... you are taking your dog for a walk.


Not many animals are able to live in such a dry, hard land. But the ones that do are amazing. That is why people like to come to the islands. If you visit, you will see birds with red chests that puff up like balloons and other birds with wings so small that they cannot fly. You also will see penguins. Most penguins are found in cold, snowy places. These penguins are the only ones that live in the warm tropics.

In this passage, what does the word chests mean?

What is ... the front part of their body.


What is ... Discover Polar Bears.


The tree danced in the wind.

This sentence is an example of what kind of figurative language?

What is ... personification.


Which word has the same root word as telescope?

A) Television

B) Microscope

C) Teller

D) Unwind

What is ... A. Television


Cheering is going on.

Bright flashes go off in the air.

Tons of people are wearing red, white and blue.

What is happening?

What is ... People are celebrating the 4th of July.


In the winter, grocery stores charge too much for strawberries.

charge (chärj) v. 1. To give orders. 2. To set as a price. 3. To fill up completely. 4. To rush forward.

Which of the definitions above are appropriate for the word charge in this sentence?

What is ... 2. To set as a price.


A student could use an encyclopedia to ...

A) learn what a tricky word means

B) learn how to spell a difficult word

C) learn more about a famous person

D) learn about synonyms and antonyms

What is ... learn more about a famous person.


These are all examples of ...

What is ... onomatopoeia.


What is the root in the word enjoyable?

What is ... joy.
