turns the (e) into "ay" sound
what is accent aigu?
what is the third person plural of Avoir?
il est quatre heure moins le quart.
It's 3:45.
le , la, les.
what are definite articles?
Nos chiens sont dans leur jardin
How do you say,Our dogs are in their yard.
these two dots make you pronounce both vowels
What is a trema?
what is 3rd person singular of vouloir?
il est vingt heures trente.
It's 8:30 PM
un, une des.
what are indefinite articles?
double jeopardy
Leurs parents veulent un café après dîner.
Their parents want a coffee after dinner.
arose historically as a marker for vowels which were followed by another letter (usually s) in an earlier state of the language:
What is le circonflexe?
suis, es, est, sommes, êtes, sont
double Jeopardy (if you can use it in a sentence properly.)
What is the conjugation of être? the verb to be
Il est seize heure et quart.
It's 4:15. PM
what are demonstrative adjectives?
ce , cet ,cette ces
How do you say, "I like your shoes?"
J'aime tes chaussures.
this marking over the letter e changes to euh sound to eh
This marking when used with letters other than e, the does not indicate a sound difference but serves to distinguish different words which have the same spelling but different meanings.
What is accent grave?
what is 2nd person plural of aimer?
How do you say it's lunch time?
double jeopardy
La bouteille
how do you say,The bottle?
cette chatte est sympa.
This cat is nice.
is used only with the letter c to indicate the sound /s/ when it is followed by the letters a, o, or u:
what is cedille?
You want to but you can't
change to french,both informal and formal.
Double jeopardy
Tu veux mais tu ne peux pas.
vous voulez mais vous ne pouvez pas
What is Minuit?
Je veux des roses pour la table.
How do you say , I want some roses for the table.
Ces bonbons sont très riche!
These candies are rich.