How many estates were there?
What are the natural rights?
Life, liberty, property
One adjective that describes this event
radical, extreme
Long bread
The absolute monarch who abused their power and eventually gets executed via guillotine
Who was King Louis XVI?
Men swear to never stop meeting until the Declaration of the Rights of Man is established
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
Radical group led by Maximilien Robespierre
A fair and equitable law system that promotes personal freedom
Napoleonic Code
Which of these foods did not originate in France?
French Fries
🍟French Fries🍟
Social system in France before the French Revolution
What was the Anción Regime?
A constitution written by the National Assembly
Declaration of the Rights of Man
What method was used to execute the King and Queen of France?
What is the coup de'tat?
Overthrow of the government, directory was overthrown
Colors of French flag
Name an economic cause of the French Revolution
high taxes to 3rd estate, bread/flour wars, extreme poverty in 3rd estate
Leaders of the National Assembly
Mirabeau and Abbe' Sieye's
A board of people that attempts to de-Christianize France, kills MANY people, goal is to protect the revolution
List 4 things Napeleon does while Emperor
builds roads & parks, brings back the Church, be a successful general, takes over most of Europe
True or False: The Eiffel Tower grows taller over the summer
Who was King Louis XVI's wife?
Marie Antoinette
Where did King Louis XVI attempt to escape to?
38 years old
Where did Napoleon die?
St. Helena island
How many types of cheese have the French created?