Inégalité alimentaire
Évolution de l'expérience culinaire
Évolution du profession culinaire

Citation célèbre de Marie-Antoinette (famous quote)

"Let them eat cake"

*elle n'a probablement jamais dit ça


Les gens sont allés manger ou? (where did people eat out?)

Before the mid-18th century crowded roadside taverns were the only "dining out" option (inexpensive family-style & limited options) 


Comment les guildes ont-elles affecté les gens? 

Avant 1789, l'economie francais etait controler par les guildes. 

ie. it was difficult to become a baker or butcher... 


Les Paysans on mangeait quoi? (what did the people eat?)

Ils mangeaient presque seulement bouillie et pain


Comment les aristocrates mangeait-elle? (How did the aristocrates eat?)

Even though they had lavish meals lords, ladies, and high-class citizens still ate communally at banquette tables. 


Comment les guildes ont-elles été affectées par la révolution?

After the revolution, the guides lost power and people were able to enter those professions more easily


Quel type de pain mangeaient les paysans? (what bread did the peasants eat?)

A variety of grains (not the fancy bread reserved for royalty) - bakers would add sawdust and fillers


Quand les repas en commun ont-ils changé?

Around 1765 in Paris. 

Boulanger began selling bowls of bouillon ("bouillon restaurant"). The concept introduced dining halls where customers could order from a menu. 

*many people couldn't afford to eat in these halls


Qu'est-il arrivé aux chefs privés des aristocrates?

Previously private chefs went into business for themselves, creating the blueprint for our current day restaurants 

*Many aristocrats were killed or lost their wealth and could no longer employ their private chefs


Quelle pourcentage de les salaires etait utilisé pour la nourriture? (what % of workers salaries was used for food?)

Generally, more than half.

A bad grain shortage in 1788-1789 made the price of bread rise to 88% of a worker's pay.


Combien de fois auraient Louis XVI et Marie Antoinette de grands banquets? (How often would they have big banquets?)

Chaque jour (every day)!

There were generally more than six courses with multiple over-the-top dishes for each (ex. 16 entrees)
