what does los ojos mean?
the eyes
what is cansado(a) in English?
how do you say symptoms?
el sintoma/los sintomas
how do you say the doctor and the nurse in Spanish?
el doctor/la doctora y la enferma/el enfermo
What does "el consultorio esta en el hospital" mean in English.
The doctors office is in the hospital.
what is the stomach in spanish?
el estomago
how do you say happy in Spanish?
How do you say, "I have a fever" in Spanish
Tengo fiebre
how do you say the pharmasist in Spanish?
El farmaceutico/la farmaceutica
How do you say "Diagnosed with an allergy" in Spanish
Diagnostico con una alergia.
how do you say the feet?
los pies
how do you say i'm bored
estoy aburrido(a)
what is the chills in Spanish?
los escalofrios
what does la aspirina mean?
How do you say "You need an injection" in Spanish
Necesitas una inyeccion
what does la garganta mean?
the throat
what does me siento nervioso(a) mean?
I feel nervous
what does toser mean?
to cough
what does la dosis de la pastilla mean?
the dose of the pill
what does "cuándo estas enfermo vamos a la farmacia por antibioticos" in English
When you are sick go to the pharmacy for antibiotics.
what does "me duele la cabeza" mean?
my head hurt
what is I am very sick in Spanish?
Estoy muy enfermo(a)
what does necesito estronudar mean?
i need to sneeze
What does "receta de la medicina" mean in English
Prescription of the medicine
what does "tengo dolor. me duelen la boca, la espalda y las piernas." mean in English?
I am in pain. My mouth, back and legs hurt.