What is the Spanish term for tablet?
La Tableta
What is the Spanish term for application?
La Aplicación
What is the Spanish verb for To Chat?
What is the Spanish verb for To Print?
What is the Spanish term for Text Message?
El Mensaje De Texto
What is the Spanish term for cellphone?
El Celular
What is the spanish term for home page?
La Página Principal
What is the Spanish verb for To Erase?
What is the Spanish verb for To Work?
What is the Spanish term for Mouse?
El Ratón
What is the Spanish term for TV?
El Televisor
What is the Spanish term for file?
El Archivo
What is the Spanish verb for To Call?
What is the Spanish verb for To Save?
What is the Spanish term for Keyboard?
El Teclado
What is the Spanish term for Computer?
La computadora
What is the Spanish term for browser?
El Buscador
What is the Spanish verb for To Turn Off?
What is the Spanish verb for To Surf (the internet)?
Navegar (en internet)
What is the Spanish term for E-mail Address?
La Dirección Electrónica
What is the Spanish term for touchscreen?
La Pantalla Táctil
What is the Spanish term for website?
El Sitio Web
What is the Spanish verb for To Ring?
What’s the Spanish verb for To Download?
What is the Spanish term for Voice Mail?
El Correo De Voz