Type of CP: abnormal increase in muscle tone. Jerky, rigid movements
Spastic CP
How many subtests are there total?
8 subtests
Approach that requires collaborating with the child using problem solving skills to make a plan
co-op approach
Name the 2 scales that measure tone
Tardieu Scale and Modified Ashworth Scale
Handwriting component: is the letter facing the correct way or reversed?
Classification scale that focuses on fine motor skills
Age that the BOT-2 goes up to
21 years old
MAS score: slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release
Handwriting component: Whether the letter is small, tall, or goes below the line
Letter placement
GMFCS level: walks with limitations
GMFCS level 2
Which subtests does OT focus on?
1,2,3, & 7
1= fine motor precision
2=fine motor integration
3= manual dexterity
7= upper-limb coordination
First fetal sense to develop in the womb
Tardieu score: unfatigable clonus (more than 10 seconds when maintaining pressure)
Handwriting component: Whether the letter touches the baseline
Line adherence
Type of CP: abnormality in the cerebellum and is inability to maintain typical posture and perform typical movements
Ataxic CP
Which 2 subtests make up manual coordination?
Manual dexterity and upper-limb coordination
At what week can you start feeding in the NICU?
34 weeks PMA +
What is Xv3 on the Tardieu scale?
Angle of catch
What is the ability to mentally "see" and form letters, numbers, and words without a visual model
Orthographic memory
MACS level: Handles a limited selection of easily managed objects in adapted situations
MACS level 4?
Which subtest consists of copying shapes presented in the assessment?
Fine motor integration
30 minutes
How do you calculate available range?
Max extension-max flexion
Handwriting component: is the letter made the most efficiently
Letter formation