Histology Lab
More Tissue Images
Connective Tissues
Compact Bones
Bone Shapes
Skull Labelling
More Bone Names
Rat Dissection
Appendicular Bone Markings

The image on the slide shows an important part of your genetic makeup. Name what is pictured and the type of type of preparation the slide underwent to view them.

What are chromosomes and a squash slide?


This type of epithelial tissue is found most in the nasal passages and lungs, and functions primarily as protection from foreign bodies in passages. Give it's first and second name and how it can be differentiated from other similar tissues.

What is pseudostratified columnar ET and it is characterized by it's cilia and white goblet cells?


Dense irregular connective tissue is most notable for it's resistance to stretching in multiple directions. Name 2 places in the body it can be found.

What is the skin and the outer layers of some organs (ie, liver).


This type of cartilage is most easily found in the ear and provides both flexibility and strength. 

What is elastic cartilage?


This type of dense bone has a bony matrix that filled with a mix of organic ground substances and inorganic salts, leaving small lacunae filled with osteocytes.

What is compact bone?


Label this bone as flat, short, long, or irregular. Classify based on location.

What is a long bone (femur) and appendicular?


Label this part of the skull.

What is the parietal?


Name the bone on the thumb side of the antebrachial.

What is the radius?


Label the liver, diaphragm, small intestine, spleen, and caecum. (bonus if you can tell me if this is male or female)


Name this bone, classify it's location and shape, then label the sternal end and the acromial end.

What is the clavicle, it is an appendicular and flat bone, the flat end is the sternal end, and the s-shape end is the acromial end?


This type of epithelial tissue is best used for rapid diffusion in the body, primarily in the lungs. What is it's first and second name?

What is simple squamous ET?


This type of connective tissue is the most abundant in the body and contains what fibers in it's ECM?

What is the areolar CT and it contains all 3 fibers (collagen, reticular, and elastic) in it's ECM?


This type of connective tissue is more rare than others, and found most in the tissue of the aorta and other major arteries. It is primarily made up of collagen fibers and elastic fibers.

What is dense elastic CT?


This type of cartilage, while showing similarities to another, is notably differentiated by it's presence of rows and a soft, cotton candy texture.

What is fibrocartilage?


Label the osteocytes in the compact bone matrix.

What are the little black lines in the lamellae (rings)?

Label these bones as long, short, flat, or irregular.

What are short (carpal bones)?


Label this part of the skull.

What is the lacrimal?


Name these bones.

What are the metatarsals?


Label 1 and a function of it.

What is the liver and it produces bile or filters blood from stomach.


Label #24, #2, and #5.

What is the glenoid cavity, the acromial, and the spine?


This type of epithelial tissue is most used for absorbing or secreting material into the ducts and tubes. Give it's first and second names as well as where it can be found.

What is simple cuboidal ET and it can be found in the kidneys.


This type of tissue is located in areas of the body that require the ability to expand and contract. Name the type of epithelial tissue and name one place it can be found.

What is transitional ET and it can be found in the urinary bladder?


Adipose connective tissue is found in places that need insulation and protection, and is also used as energy storage. It is characterized by the presence of _____ cells.

What is white fat cells?


What is elastic cartilage?


In the lower right hand corner of the image, we see an extended canal between two central canals. This canal is called the _______ and functions as ______________.

What is the Volkmann's canal and functions as transport of blood vessels between the periosteum that lie perpendicular to the central canals?


Label this bone as long, short, flat, or irregular.

What is irregular (sphenoid)?


Label this part of the skull.

What is the temporal?


Name this bone.

What is the calcaneus?


Label 2 and name a single function of this organ.

What is the stomach and it breaks down food.


Here we see sperm cells on a slide. Name what type of preparation method was used to image it. (Hint: also call the wet drop slide.)

What is a smear?


This type of tissue is considered the embryotic tissue and is best characterized by it's tadpole-like features under the microscope.

What is the mesenchyme?


This type of connective tissue is primarily made up of a fiber of the same name, and is found most in the spleen and the lymphatic organs.

What is reticular CT?


What is hyaline cartilage?


At the center of the lamellae (ring) matrix is this.

What is the central or haversian canal?


Label this bone as long, short, flat, or irregular.

What is irregular (sacrum)?


Label this part of the skull.

What is the zygomatic?


Name this bone.

What is the coccyx?


Label 3 and name a function of this organ.

What is the pancreas and it regulates the sugar in the blood.


This type of epithelial tissue is best known for it's protection functions, like in the outer layer of the dermis. Give both names of this tissue.

What is stratified squamous ET?


This type of connective tissue is found in the tendons and ligaments, as it provides great tensile strength against stretching in one direction.

What is dense regular CT?


This image relays the unique nature of the colon. Name the type of tissue that is sandwiched between the epithelial layer and the cartilage layer of the organ.

What is the lamina propria?


What is fibrocartilage?


These microscopic canals bridge the lacunae of the compact bone.

What is the canaliculi (or canaliculus)?


Label this bone as long, short, flat, or irregular. Classify it's location and name the top bone marking.

What is flat (sternum), axial, and manubrium?


Label this part of the skull.

What is the maxilla?


Name the region of bones these are included in.

What is the tarsus?


Label 7 and name a function of this organ.

What is the urinary bladder and it stores urine.
