Some Basics and Pre-Lab Safety
Classroom Safety Equipment
Good or Bad Lab Behavior
Performing the Lab
Concluding the Lab, Etc.
This should be done to long hair when working with an open flame.
What is tie hair back?

This piece of safety equipment is used to wash away chemicals that have come into contact with the skin or clothing as the result of a chemical splash or spill. 

What is a safety shower?

Student A is using a wafting technique to detect the scent of an unknown liquid substance.
What is a good behavior?

Students are to review these again right before performing the lab.

What are lab safety guidelines and symbols?


At the end of the lab, students are observed stowing trash in the proper receptacle.  This is part of what required process?

What is cleaning up the work area?

This type of shoe should not be worn on lab days.
What are opened-toed shoes?
This piece of safety equipment is used only by the teacher in case of a fire during a lab to put out the fire.
What is a fire extinguisher?

Student B is wearing safety goggles and an apron while working with baking soda and vinegar during a lab.

What is good behavior?


When performing the lab, students are to follow verbal and written _____.  

What are instructions?


At the end of a lab, students can be observed returning microscopes to the storage cabinet as instructed.

What is returning materials to the proper place?


These two items are worn to protect clothes and skin.

What are aprons or lab coats and gloves?


This piece of safety equipment contains materials to treat minor injuries.

What is a first aid kit?


Student C is eating food during a lab.

What is bad behavior?


Students are to keep this area organized and clean.

What is a work area?


Even when concluding a lab, students are to conduct themselves in this mannerism.

What is acting responsibly, safely, or respectfully?

These are important to wear to protect our eyes during a lab.
What are safety goggles?

This piece of safety equipment is used when debris (fragments of materials) get in your eyes.

What is an eyewash station?


Student D is wearing goggles and gloves while picking up broken glass from a beaker that was dropped on the floor.

What is bad behavior? (The teacher should be alerted and should be the one to pick up the broken glass.)


When performing a lab, these are to be reported to the teacher immediately.

What are accidents?


This type of behavior is to be demonstrated by a student prior to a lab so that Mrs. Nickels knows that the student will be able to complete the lab safely.

What is having good behavior?


According to our safety contract, we are to do this before initiating any lab work. 

What is reading the lab instructions and/or procedures for the lab?


This is the first person that should be made aware of any accidents during a lab.

What is the teacher?


Student E sits down at the lab table and immediately begins mixing unknown chemicals without reading the lab instructions.

What is bad behavior? 


When performing a lab, ingesting these things could be extremely dangerous; therefore, doing these things is not allowed in a lab.

What is eating food and/or drinking beverages?


Before any student is allowed to complete labs in our science classroom, this document is required to be read, initialed, and signed by the student and the student's parent/guardian.

What is the lab safety contract?
