True or False. You should carry your microscope using only one hand.
What is false. You should carry your microscope by holding the arm with one hand and supporting the base from underneath with the other hand.
When completing an outdoor lab you should do this before you return inside
What is gather all of your materials and leave nature in nature unless you have teacher permission.
When arriving in class and seeing an equipment bin full of materials you should...
What is leave the equipment alone and wait for your teacher to give you instructions.
True or False: Contact lenses may be worn in place of safety goggles
What is false
When working with equipment made of glass, such as microscope slides, beakers, and light bulbs you should handle them...
What is carefully and responsible.
Backpacks and books should be kept...
What is at the back of the room and away from the lab stations
When unplugging an electrical cord you should
What is grab the plug and not the cord
If you get chemicals on your hands or face you should...
What is wash the contaminated area of skin immediately using proper hand washing routines.
True or False: Microscope slides should be handled by squeezing them tightly between two fingers directly in the middle.
What is false. To avoid getting fingerprints on the specimens carefully hold the slides between two fingers along the edge.