Review the lab procedure which is posted on DC Connect; ensure you are keeping up with the course material.
If you are asked to smell a chemical, what is the proper technique to smell anything in a science class called?
Wafting - a student waves their hand over a container to pass the air above the container they are holding towards their nose. NEVER SMELL ANYTHING DIRECTLY WITH YOUR NOSE.
When is it appropriate to take off your safety glasses in the science lab?
When the lab is complete over, all the equipment is put away properly, and the teacher says so
Being on time for the lab is important. Students more than 15 minutes late for a lab will not be permitted to enter. Why?
By this time, safety considerations for the lab have been reviewed and the lab is underway. It is not safe to join the lab at this point.
How Should one carry a microscope?
With 2 hands; one on the arm and the other on the base.
In case of a fire, where is the fire extinguisher kept in the biology lab?
To the right of the prep room door. [Or properly point it out]
When are phones permitted to be out and used in the biology lab?
If you are taking photos of your work/experiment ONLY. The rest of the time they should be away and not on the lab bench.
- clean up work station
- wash hands with soap
- hand in graded work
What should be brought to the biology lab?
Your biology notes, something to write with, and the proper lab attire.
Complete this sentence: when in doubt, ____!
If I'm unsure how to properly dispose of a chemical, the best default is down the drain.
NO! Proper chemical disposal will always be explained at the beginning of the lab. Some things can go down the drain, but not others.