I feel __________ when my cat dies.
Sad, depressed
I feel __________ when I see a really big spider.
Afraid, scared
I feel __________ when it is my birthday.
Happy, excited, loved.
Name three positive emotions.
Happy, excited, surprised, fulfilled, content, interested, relieved.
I feel ________ when my phone gets taken away.
- 100 points!
I feel ________ when my friends do something fun without me.
-200 points!
Hurt, sad, jealous, unloved
I feel ___________ when I am tired at school.
I feel _________ when my mother is sick.
Worried, scared, anxious
I feel ___________ when I am by myself for too long.
by myself = alone
Lonely, vulnerable, nervous, uncomfortable, sad, unloved, worried, isolated
I feel ________ when I want to be alone but my sister/brother wants to play with me.
Annoyed, trapped, overwhelmed, helpless, fuming, furious, cross, livid, enraged, mad, angry
I feel ___________ when I try to win a game but someone else wins.
Disappointed OR annoyed.
I feel nervous when...
(Name a time when you felt nervous)
I feel ___________ when I do not understand my teacher.
Frustrated, nervous, confused
I feel __________ when I am reading a good book.
-300 points!
Interested, happy
I feel ________ when things in my life are good.
Content, happy, peaceful
I feel ________ when I answer a question wrong in my class and everyone laughs.
I feel __________ when I cannot pass the test at school.
I feel ____________ when I am exercising and it is fun.
-400 points!
Peaceful, happy, etc.
I feel __________ when I lose my favorite shirt.
Sad, frustrated, regret, mad
Name 4 negative emotions.
Sad, disappointed, discouraged, bored, frustrated, annoyed, angry, hurt, lonely, jealous, worried, afraid, embarrassed.
I feel ____________ when I have to wait in a line for a long time.
-500 points!
Annoyed, bored
I feel __________ when I hear that my favorite show will not be on TV anymore.
Disappointed, sad, angry, annoyed
I feel ____________ when I am going on vacation.
Excited, happy
I feel ___________ when I do not have a lot of money, but I win a scholarship to college.
Relieved, excited, happy