Catch All
All Things Discharge
Call Lights, Cleanliness and Connections

When greeting a patient by their preferred name; the A in AIDET.

What is Acknowledge?


These three things should be completed before any procedure or clinical tasks with a patient.

What is explain the procedure, the why and obtain consent?


Ensuring you patient knows provider follow up appointments, contact information and BLANK should be reviewed at every discharge.

What are symptoms to call provider for?


The policy at Mercy where every co-worker is accountable to answering call lights.

What is the NO PASS ZONE?


During BSSR the night nurse says: " This is your nurse today, Merciful, she is going to take amazing care of you for the next 12 hours.  You are in great hands!"

What is managing up your co-worker during BSSR?


Giving the patient your name and role to create a connection and reduce anxiety; the I in AIDET.

What is Introduce?


When an emergency arises, this is an important step to not forget while providing urgent care to mom/baby.

What is identifying someone to communicate and update mom's support team?


Reviewing this with our patients will help them understand how to take new medications safely at home.

What are medications side effects?


Doing this each shift will help keep our patient's environment from looking like a teenager's room.

What is cleaning up the clutter?


When NICU is called to a birth, this step should be done prior to them arriving.

What is explaining the NICU role in a birth and what to expect with the team arrives.


Giving expected length of time for patient care, procedures, or wait times; the D in AIDET.

What is Duration?


The three focus dimensions for Mercy hospitals in FY24.

What are Communication with Doctors, Communication with Nurses, and Discharge Information


When a patient is discharged with frustration or concerns regarding their experience it is a missed opportunity for this.

What is a missed opportunity for service recovery for bedside nursing and/or leadership?


This is the amount of time it takes to make a first impression?

What is 7 seconds?


" Sorry to keep you waiting, I was helping another patient"

What is what not to say when answering a patient's call light?


Narrating all steps of care prior to performing the care; The E in AIDET.

What is Explanation?


This should be done to maximize the stretch of time our patients get uninterrupted sleep or rest.

What is cluster care?


When discharging from OB Triage this step should be done to each AVS smart phrase/

What is personalizing the discharge smart to each patient's clinical and specific needs?

If unable to answer a call light when passing- this is the bare minimum actions that should be taken.

What is open the patient's door, acknowledge that light is on and assess if patient is okay?


Pausing and giving our patients time to advocate for what is important to them in their plan of care is achieved by this?

What is listening to our patients?


"Thank you for allowing me care for you today!" or "Thank you for choosing Mercy for your care!"

What is the T in AIDET?


As health care providers, it is easy to say this is how we always have done it.  By taking a moment to pause and discuss a mom's request it provides collaboration and recognition of this.

What is recognizing there may be multiple ways to safely get to the same goal?


Diet, Activity, Follow up Instructions, wound care, medication reconciliation, and care coordination needs are the components that nursing should ensure are listed on each one of these?

What is the patient discharge AVS?


This is what you should try and make when introducing yourself to patients.

What is a personal connection or relationship?


When doing BSSR this is this question should be asked to all our patients.

What is.....What is the most important thing that we can do for you  today?
