Causes the uterus to contract, which helps induce labor and control bleeding after childbirth
A medical tool used to help deliver a baby during vaginal delivery when labor has stalled
List three reasons why women need a cesarean section.
multiple birth, prolonged labor, high blood pressure, repeat cesarean section
What is bloody show?
few drops of blood or pinkish vaginal stain
The first stage of labor ends with a period called _______.
transition (change)
A procedure that uses a vacuum to help deliver a baby during labor
Vacuum Extractor
A numbing injection that provides pain relief during labor and delivery
List three methods that can help women cope with labor and pain during childbirth.
changing positions frequently, deep breathing exercises, and massage from a support person
What is active labor?
contractions last about 60 seconds and occur 2 to 5 minutes apart
What does APGAR stand for?
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration
The process of giving birth, when the baby, placenta, and other products of conception leave the uterus
The first milk produced by the breasts during pregnancy and after birth
1 - contraction
2 - baby is born
3 - Placenta
The cervix is fully dilated at _____ centimeters.
Why might a vacuum extractor or forceps be used during delivery?
To assist the mother in pushing the baby out when they are having difficulty progressing through the birth canal
A tube that connects a fetus to its mother's placenta during pregnancy
Umbilical Cord
A temporary organ that connects the mother's uterus to the umbilical cord, providing nutrients and oxygen to the fetus
List three warning signs of premature labor.
contractions every 10 minutes or less, feeling a constant, dull backache, leaking fluid or blood
What is false labor?
when baby moves into postition mother may have a few irregular contractions
Why might a woman need to be induced?
past due date, sac has broken and labor does not begin on its own
The thinning of the cervix during pregnancy in preparation for childbirth
A baby that is positioned in the uterus with its bottom or feet facing down, instead of head down
List three methods of inducing labor.
contractions that aren't regular or rhythmic, contractions don't get stronger over time, contractions end with light exercise
What are the three types of breech?
complete breech, incomplete breech, and frank breech
When does the first stage of labor officially occur?
When contractions are coming at regular intervals.