Signs and Symptoms of Labor
Stages of Labor
Process of Delivery
Pain Management Techniques
Nursing Interventions

A woman has a burst of energy commonly referred to as

What is Nesting

What does dilation refer to?
What is widening of the cervix to allow for the fetal head to pass through the vaginal canal.

Infant birth through incision in abdomen

What is a cesarean section?

Name an example of non-pharmacological pain relief methods during labor and delivery.
What is aromatherapy, massage, touch, walking, hydrotherapy, music, childbirth classes, deep breathing, meditation, imagery, heat/cold.
What is the name of the test performed to determine if the membranes have ruptured?
What is the Fern test or the Nitrazine Paper Test.
What is occurring when a woman says that her "water broke?"
What is the fluid sac around the baby breaks, causing a release of fluid to escape the vaginal opening.
What is effacement of the cervix?
What is thinning and shortening of the cervix to allow for easier passage of the fetal head during the first stage of labor.
What is the most common position for labor and delivery in a hospital setting?
What is lithotomy position.
What has been found to be the most important factor for pain control during labor and delivery, according to research?
What is attendance of mother in childbirth preparation classes.
What is the MOST important intervention that a nurse can perform during labor and delivery?
What is support for the laboring woman.

Frequently expelled before the start of labor

What is the mucus plug

What happens during the third stage of labor?
What is delivery of the placenta.

Most preferred and common type of presentation

What is cephalic or vertex?


Name 3 factors that influence the pain of labor and birth

What is fear & anxiety, culture, prior birth experience, planned vs unplanned, term vs preterm, and fetal demise.

When would a nurse initiate skin-to-skin contact?
What is immediately after birth.
What is "lightening?"
What is dropping of the fetal head into the lower pelvis. This prepares the fetus for the first stage of labor.
What are the names of the three phases during the 1st stage of labor?
What is active, latent, and transitional phases.

Name two of the Cardinal Movements

Engagement, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, delivery of anterior shoulder, delivery of posterior shoulder.

What is an epidural?
What is a form of anesthesia that is administered to mothers in labor both for vaginal and cesarean births that helps to numb the pain of labor without affecting the mother's ability to push.
Name a complication that could occur during the process of labor and delivery that a nurse must monitor for?
What is bleeding, slow progression of labor, appearance of cord, decrease in fetal heart rate.
What are the name of the contractions that occur in the prodromal stage of labor?
What is Braxton-Hicks contractions.
What occurs during the 4th stage of labor?
What is recovery, return of normal body processes and functions.

The four Essential Components of Labor

What is passageway, passenger, powers, and psyche

What sensations are blocked by the epidural and which sensations are felt, according to a survey of laboring women?
What is the pain of the contractions and labor is blocked, but the feeling of pressure and compression of the vaginal canal is present.
Name two of the four characteristics of uterine contractions that a nurse would assess and document.
What is frequency, intensity, duration, and resting tone.