Policies & Procedures
Time & Attendance
Probationary Periods & Managing Performance
Drug-Free Workplace

Federal & State law requires at least a 30 minutes lunch break if working more than five (5) hours. True or False?

False. Employers are not required to provide employees who are 18 years and older a lunch break; however, DPS policy states employees are generally expected to take a lunch period each work day. 


An employee notifies you that his girlfriend's father passed away. Is the employee eligible for bereavement leave?

No. Contract and/or code language must be strictly followed. Although both grant bereavement leave to an employee's significant other (defined to mean one who stands in place of a spouse and who resides with the employee) - it does not include language to cover a significant other's parent.


When must an employee notify a supervisor of his/her absence?

Within 30 minutes of his/her start time. 

How long is the probationary period for new hire employees?

365 days


What's the difference between Reasonable Suspicion and Random Drug/Alcohol Testing?

Reasonable Suspicion is when an employee is showing signs he/she is under the influence in the workplace.

Random is when an employee in a designated safety sensitive position is selected for drug/alcohol testing at random by DAS.


An employee may refuse to work outside their classification specification. True or False?

False. An employee must complete an assignment given to him/her by their supervisor unless the employee reasonably believes the assignment to be illegal, immoral and/or unethical. 


Employees must be given two paid, 15 minute breaks during an eight (8) hour shift. True or False?

False. Although employees shall normally receive two 15-minute breaks, a supervisor may require an employee to work through his/her break.

Breaks may NOT be used to permit an employee to report for duty later than scheduled, leave the work place earlier than entitled, nor extend his/her lunch.


An OCSEA employee requests on Monday to take eight (8) hours of personal leave on Thursday. A major project deadline is approaching and this employee's portion of work is not complete. 

Can you deny the leave?

No - OCSEA employees requests for personal leave, submitted 48 hours or greater in advance, must be approved.


Can a probationary period be extended to allow additional time to evaluate?

Bargaining unit employees probationary periods are automatically extended for any period of leave of 14 consecutive days or more (except for vacation); OR by signed agreement with the union (must provide justification to Labor Relations.

Exempt employee probationary period extensions require DAS approval and only occur when the agency can justify a true need for additional time to evaluate.


Name signs of impairment.

Slurred or rapid speech; smell of alcohol; stumbling/unsteady; unalert/sleeping; slow motor functions; profuse sweating; dramatic changes in eye movement; abnormal conduct or behavior.


Employees serving a working suspension will report to work - or telework - as scheduled and will be compensated as usual. True or False?

True. Working suspensions carry the same 'weight' as a served suspension in terms of discipline progression and does not result in loss of productivity for the agency. 

An employee must report if he/she was charged with, arrested for, or convicted of any felony or degreed misdemeanor to Labor Relations within how many days?

3 days


Explain the difference between requiring physician verification for a specific absence and placing an employee on formal physician verification.

Specific - Employees are notified that their section is at minimum staffing on a certain day, and no further leave requests will be approved. Employee calls in that morning and requests to utilize sick leave. May ask for doctor's note to cover the absence.

Formal PVN - If an employee's sick leave balance drops below 16 hours, reach out to Labor Relations.


Employees removed during their initial probationary period cannot grieve their removal but they can file __________ and ___________.

Unemployment and allegations of discrimination.


Employees testing at or above what BAC level must be immediately removed from duty?

.02%. Employee must be removed from duty and may utilize accrued leave for remainder of the day. Employee may return to work 24 hours after positive test.

Any alcohol test .04% or above - employee subject to termination held in abeyance with successful completion of EAP. May not return to work until released by substance abuse provider and negative drug/alcohol test.


You need one employee to work four (4) hours on Saturday to cover a special event. There are 10 bargaining unit employees in your unit. How do you proceed?

Ask for volunteers. Volunteers may elect to work the four hours Saturday and adjust their time earlier that week. If multiple volunteers, allow the most senior employee. 

If no volunteers, advise the employees that it is an OT opportunity and ask for volunteers. Award OT opportunity to most senior volunteer. If no volunteers, require least senior employee to work event.


Your employee - who currently works three days a week in office and two days remote - tells you that they broke both of their legs and unable to drive; and give you a note from their doctor which states they must telework for the next six weeks. What should you do?

Employees requesting any adjustment to their telework schedule due to a medical condition must submit a proper request through HR's EEO office. Supervisors are not permitted to allow such a change without approval from HR. 


When may an employee utilize leave in lieu of sick leave?

His/her sick leave is exhausted AND employee has an FMLA qualifying condition OR provides acceptable physician verification.


You begin a new position and quickly learn that your predecessor was more 'lax' in rules and expectations. What should you do?

Acknowledge the differences; Clearly state your expectation(s); Communicate the effective date of the change; Document in writing your expectations/changes to employees.


An employee serving an initial probationary period has the same rights, when it comes to positive drug and/or alcohol tests, as permanent employees. True or False?

False. If an employee serving an initial probationary period tests positive for drugs and/or alcohol, the employee is terminated. 


An OCSEA employee accepts a promotion into another OCSEA position (i.e. DX to CSA3) but requests to return to previous position after three months. May the employee return?

No. Employees do not have the right to return to his/her previous position (except during a lateral transfer trial period); and may only return if he/she are not meeting performance expectations. 

You and your employee, Nancy, have a good relationship and often eat lunch together. During lunch one day, Nancy vents to you that Bob - a Customer Service Assistant in a different area - often calls her pet-names, whistles at her when she walks by, and recently started sending her nude photos, even though she told him she's not interested. When you ask if she wants you to report Bob, she says no. Do you respect Nancy's wishes?

No. As a supervisor, you are responsible for reporting any alleged sexual harassment. 


When may an employee use leave without pay? 3 possible answers.

1. During the waiting period of approved of approved disability leave where all other applicable leave has been exhausted.

2. During the waiting period of adoption/childbirth leave if elected by employee.

3. Active FMLA certification on file AND all other available leave has been exhausted.

Requests that do not meet these requirements must be routed through HR using form DPS0099.


Name two types of documentation used to document an employee's performance.

1. Documented counseling (signed by employee)

2. Probationary Warning Memo/Performance Warning Memo

3. Email(s) to employee outlining issues/expectations

4. Performance evaluation

5. Training records


You have reason to suspect an employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What should you do?

Reasonable suspicion should be acted upon immediately. If possible, ask an additional exempt employee to make contact with employee in order to determine signs of impairment. Contact Labor Relations immediately. 
