Case Studies
People you know!
These molecules are famous for fighting infection
What are white blood cells?
This pigment is removed from the blood by the liver and is a measure of liver function
What is bilirubin?
Mr. Green is 74 years old. He fell last night and cut his leg on the way down. Nursing says they have to keep changing the bandage on his wound because it just won't stop bleeding. Considering this, you check his lab results and this blood component is below normal limits.
What are platelets?
Since Ms. F's red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels are low, she is slightly anemic. What symptoms did she exhibit consistent with anemia?
What are: difficulty concentrating, headaches, fatigue, and shortness of breath?
These are the oxygen carrying molecules in the blood.
What is hemoglobin?
Too much of this blood component can cause Hypernatremia: Lethargy, irritability, stupor, coma, twitching, hyperreflexia, ataxia, tremor, seizure, hemiparesis
What is Sodium?
Mrs. Hunter is 89 years old with Type II Diabetes. While bathing with Betsy, she begins to shake, sweat, gets dizzy, and has general muscle weakness. What blood element would you expect to be low?
What is glucose?
Ms. R's chloride levels were slightly lower than normal. What symptom did she exhibit that are consistent with low chloride levels?
What is lung disease?
These molecules are a measure of the sugar level in the blood.
What is glucose?
Not enough of this in the blood component causes hypokalemia: Heart dysrythmia, constipation, fatigue, muscle weakness, paralysis
What is Potassium?
Mr. Waters is 76 years old with Type II Diabetes. While eating breakfast with Hlatky, he begins to hyperventilate. Amy calls a nurse and they get him breathing regularly again. Nursing reports that he hyperventilated twice last night. What blood element would you expect to be low?
What is carbon dioxide?
Ms. R's carbon dioxide levels were slightly higher than normal. What symptom did she exhibit that are consistent with a high carbon dioxide level?
What is a breathing disorder?
This enzyme is the first to be elevated after a heart attack.
What is creatinine kinase?
The "G" "F" and "R" in eGFR
What is What is glomerular filtration rate?
Mrs. Young is 68 years old with liver disease. She currently takes also currently taking diuretics. While transferring from the bed to the wheelchair with Tiny Tim, she becomes irritable because her head hurts. Yesterday, she was very coherent, but today she is extremely confused. What blood component would you expect to be low?
What is sodium?
Mr. P has a slightly elevated AST level. What may have caused this?
I dunno! But possible causes are: liver disease, hepatitis, excessive, alcohol ingestion, muscle injury, recent heart attack. Any ideas?
This waste product is produced by the liver and excreted by the kidney.
What is blood urea nitrogen (BUN)?
This enzyme is the first to be elevated after a heart attach (CK).
What is creatinine kinase?
Mr. Kelly only eats the meat on his tray. He is ambulatory and loves to walk up and down the hallway all day. His family always says they will visit but they never come to see him. Dipti helps him to the bathroom and he can't urinate. Per nursing and activities, he doesn't like to drink and his urine output has been very low lately. What blood component would you expect to be elevated?
What is BUN?
Mr. P has a slightly lowered chloride level. What may have caused this? What symptoms has he shown?
I dunno! I''m playing the student card. But symptoms of low chloride include dehydration and kidney disease. Any ideas?