New Terms
Positioning Specifics
Important Stats

What does DFWI stand for?

D, F, Withdrawal, Incomplete


What personas are our main focus?

Dean, Department Chair, Faculty


What is the new Labster positioning "tagline"?

Immersive Digital Learning Experiences - To deliver a learning advantage for all students


What are the 3 pillars of our differentiators?

Built for Engagement, Designed for Equitable Learning, Focused on Outcomes


How many simulations does Labster offer?



What is a Gateway Course?

“A foundational, credit-bearing, lower division courses, for which large numbers of students are at risk of failure and which accordingly stand as ‘gatekeepers’ to further study and degree completion.”


Why are the top 3 personas our main focus?

We want to make the Dean / Department chair the advocate, ie: elevate the problem in their terms. And deliver a strong value proposition to Faculty, as faculty buy-in is essential for adoption!


What are the four steps in a student's learning journey with Labster?

Prepration, Practice, Intervention, Reinforcement


Name one of the facets that falls under Build for Enagement.

- Authentic simulations put students in real world settings, showing potential career relevance
- High-fidelity visualizations
- Content built by science subject matter experts science based on modern pedagogical standards
-Interactive game design built for today’s digital native learner
-300+ simulations aligned to common learning objectives within gateway courses
- Extensive course mapping resources and personalized training provided to ensure alignment with existing curriculum


What is the % of recent DFWI rates?

D and F rates are over 40% in STEM courses (Source: Education Advisory Board), and those numbers are especially high for minority group students.


What is one example of how students are "learning differently?"

- Digital natives
- Live in digital experiences
- Shorter attention spans
- Diverse learning backgrounds
- Comfortable with tech enabled learning


What is one example of Labster impact for Deans & Department Leaders?

-Higher pass rates lead to fewer enrollment bottlenecks and faster progression to higher-level courses
-Flexible offerings across multiple modalities help drive enrollment
-Easily integrated into course templates so adjunct instructors are better prepared


Name one of the 7 Success Principles.

- Focus on the Student
- Deliver Equitable Learning
- Inspire Scientific Literacy
- Engage Today’s Learner
- Measure Outcomes
- Provide Consistent Learning Excellence
- Offer Educator-driven Design


Name one of the facets that falls under Designed for Equitable Learning.

- Meets students from all levels and backgrounds where they are
- Voices of a range of students represented in simulation development
- Consistent, repeatable experience enabling self-guided learning; keeps each student progressing in their journey
- Student accessibility compliance: WCAG 2.1 AA Compliance
- Removes physical and time-based constraints – lab at your fingertips from anywhere, anytime, on any device


 What percentage of students say Labster makes them more likely to continue enrolling in STEM courses?



What is one example of how Labster provides a "Learning Advantage?"

- Content from in house subject matter experts
- Interactive learning best practices honed over 6 mil users
- Advanced virtual simulations at scale and speed
- Student success metrics designed by instructors


What is one example of Labster's impact on Instructors/Faculty?

- More successful students, better grades, higher completion rates
- Connect to a wider audience of learners through on-demand access
- More engaged students, more science majors
- Visibility into student progress to enable earlier intervention


Name one reason students struggle in science gateway courses.

- More rigorous
-Harder to level set for learners from different backgrounds
- Top of the funnel for college degree completion
- Starting point for STEM majors
- Lose a student in a gateway, lose the student completely


Name one of the facets that falls under Focused on Outcomes.

- Students proven to learn STEM skills and concepts faster with Labster
- Builds learner’s self-efficacy through realtime feedback and targeted assistance as needed
- Encourages advanced learners to pursue more challenging scenarios
- Fits into a range of different teaching styles to drive deeper learning for today’s students
- Demonstrated improvement DFWI rates and grade attainment – an average of one full letter grade
- Continuous improvement, drawing on feedback from thousands of instructors and millions of students
- Dashboard designed to surface key insights about student performance and offer guidance


Regarding student outcomes, how much does Labster increases exam scores and course grades?

A whole letter grade


What do we mean by "Ripple Effects" of the Learning Advantage?

Increased engagement, equity, and outcomes in gateway courses means more than just passing Chem or Bio 101. The evidence is really clear that this drives major downstream benefits for the students’ experience in school, and even their careers.


What is one example of how Labster take disengaged students and makes them inspired learners?

-Dropped Courses ➡️ Better completion rates
- Struggling to Succeed ➡️ Improved test scores
- Inconsistent lab experience ➡️ Consistent world class lab experience
- Static, outdated materials ➡️ Fresh, current content
- One chance to get it right ➡️ Repeatable to achieve mastery
- One size fits all ➡️ Meet students where they are


The BLANK risks losing a generation of students with low completion rates, disengaged students, and reputational risk for schools

Status Quo


Labster’s immersive digital experience platform enables instructors to engage students in completely new ways to BLANK, inspire further BLANK and create BLANK across universities.

Labster enables instructors to engage students in completely new ways to drive foundational learning, inspire further STEM study and create positive ripple effects across universities.  


What is the retention rate of students that pass all of their gateway courses?

up to 42% higher
