How many Guards are there in the standard 4 player game of Love Letter?
What is Debby Ryan's characters name in Radio Rebel?
What is the full name of the Hawthorne studio member who now has over 66k on Tik Tok?
Emma Cooper
The Little Mermaid won best original song for 'Under the Sea', what other song was also nominated?
'Kiss the Girl'
What do you call a Mexican who loses his car?
What are Lachlan's middle names?
James & Michael
What song from Disney's 'Annie' did Lachy sing to a passing dog?
Name all 3 Hawthorne studio Dorathys from the Wizard of Oz performance season. (first names)
Isabelle, Maddy and Chloe
What comedian plays the role of Venellope Von Schweets in Wreak it Ralph?
Sarah Silverman
What is always in front of you, but never seen?
The Future
What was the musical and song, that Lachy and Kristen dueted to.
'Suddenly Seymour' - Little Shop of Horrors
At what high school do Hawthorne studio and ensemble classes take place?
Swimburne High
What two Disney princesses, apart of the official Disney line-up, are not actual princesses.
Mulan & Pocahontas
A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why?
What is the role of the Hunter in Werewolf?
If voted, kill another player
What was the exact game we were playing when a random Omegle person joined?
What was Blake Evert's last role at VYT?
Bottom (MSND)
What Disney Princess has the least lines in her given movie, due to not speaking majority of the film?
I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
A Barber
What were we doing in the first videos we sent to CaROOTchie?
Deep throating objects/foods
What pizza did we order that no one asked for, but we all decided we would share?
Garlic Pizza
Who got reported for filming Georgia Berrie changing? (first name)
Which Disney animated feature received the highest reviews from critics (Rotton Tomato rating)?
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
A Map