What does the word mean in the sentence below...
The judge was impressed and awed by the a young writer's amazing talent.
Pleased, believe something is cool, left with a positive feeling
Tell me a sentence about this photo using the word, concentrate.
Answers will vary.
According to Peter, a problem with his LAFFF machine is....
Trips to the future are short
He can only go forward in time
Identify the adverb in the sentence below.
She skipped happily to the gym.
Which word would drop the final letter when adding the suffix -ing?
Agree or Deflate
What does the word mean in the sentence below...
Chess players must remain calm and collected as they plot their next move.
Leveled, calm, sensible
Tell me a sentence about this picture using the word, suspense.
Answers will vary.
Why does Angela want to win the contest?
To make her parents proud
Identify the adverb in the sentence below.
We played outside.
Which word would not drop the final letter when adding the suffix -ed?
Damage or Kind
What does the word mean in the sentence below...
The chickens on our farm produce eggs.
Tell me a sentence about this picture using the word, admitted.
Answers will vary.
Why is Angela unable to finish reading the story in the school magazine?
The magazine returns to the future
Identify the adverb in the sentence below.
Samaria was extremely happy.
See + ing
What does the word mean in the sentence below...
My first stop is New York but my final destination is Maryland.
The place someone is going
Tell me a sentence about the picture using the word, compliment.
Answers will vary.
What does LAFFF stand for?
Lu's Artifact for Fast Forward
Identify the adverb below and what it tells.
Today, our chickens laid eggs.
Unite + ing
What does the word mean in the sentence below...
Have you seen the original Star Wars?
Tell me a sentence about this picture using the word, rumor.
Answers will vary.
How does Angela and Peter's friendship change throughout the story?
Answers will vary.
Identify the adverb below and what it tells.
Mohammed never walks to the Bakala.
How often
When do we drop the final 'e' in a word when adding the suffixes -ing and -ed.
When the 'e' is silent