Static Electricity
Series V.S. Parallel

A battery is a combination of this type of cells connected together.

What are electrochemical?


What does a straight line represent in an electric circuit diagram?

A straight line represents a wire that connects components in the circuit allowing the flow of electricity.


State Ohm's Law equation.

Ohm's Law equation is V = I x R, where V is voltage (in volts), I is current (in amperes), and R is resistance (in ohms).


This occurs when objects rub together

What is friction?


What are the key differences between a series and parallel circuit?

 In a series circuit, components are connected end-to-end, creating a single pathway for current flow. In a parallel circuit, components are connected across multiple paths, allowing independent current flow through each.


This is the ability to do work.

What is energy?


Draw the symbol for a resistor in a circuit diagram and explain its function

A resistor symbol looks like a zigzag line. It resists the flow of current, limiting the amount that can pass through it.


If the resistance in a circuit is 10 Ohms and the current is 2A, what is the voltage?

 V = I x R = 2A x 10Ω = 20V


This is the unit of electrical charge.

What is the coulomb (C) ?


How does the total resistance differ in a series circuit compared to a parallel circuit?

In a series circuit, the total resistance is the sum of individual resistances. In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is less than the smallest individual resistance.


This is the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge and is measured in these units.

What is Voltage measured in volts?


Identify the symbol for a battery in a circuit diagram and describe its polarity.

The symbol for a battery consists of a long line (positive terminal) and a short line (negative terminal), indicating the battery's polarity.


How does the resistance of a conductor affect the current flowing through it, according to Ohm's Law?

According to Ohm's Law, as resistance increases, the current flowing through the conductor decreases proportionally.


This apparatus is also known as the lightning machine and uses friction to produce a static charge.

What is the Van de Graaff generator?


Discuss the impact of a single component failure in a series circuit versus a parallel circuit.

In a series circuit, a single component failure interrupts the entire circuit. In a parallel circuit, a single component failure only affects that branch, leaving other branches unaffected.


A battery mainly consists of these two components.

What are electrodes (two different metals) and an electrolyte (an acidic solution that conducts electricity) 


Explain the symbol for a light bulb in a circuit diagram and its significance.

The light bulb symbol represents a source of light when current flows through it, converting electrical energy into light and heat.


Calculate the resistance in a circuit with a voltage of 12V and a current of 4A.

R = V / I = 12V / 4A = 3Ω


This term describes charging a neutral object by causing the reposition of electrons instead of electron transfer.

What is charging by induction?


Explain how the brightness of bulbs in a series circuit changes as more bulbs are added compared to a parallel circuit.

In a series circuit, adding more bulbs decreases the overall brightness as the total resistance increases. In a parallel circuit, adding more bulbs does not affect the brightness of existing bulbs as each has its own branch.


This electrical energy source in a barbeque lighter  works because positive and negative charges are separated when they are squeezed.

What are Piezoelectric crystals?


Interpret the symbol for a switch in a circuit diagram and how it controls the flow of electricity.

The switch symbol is a line with a gap that can be open or closed. It controls the flow of current by either allowing or interrupting the electricity flow.


These four factors affect resistance of a wire. 

 What are wire length, wire thickness, wire type, wire temperature


These are the laws of static charge.

What are:

1. Like charges repel

2. Opposite charges attract

3.Neutral objects are attracted to charged objects


In what scenarios would a series circuit be more advantageous than a parallel circuit, and vice versa?

Series circuits are advantageous for sequential operations (e.g., Christmas lights) where one bulb's failure doesn't affect others. Parallel circuits are preferred for independent operations (e.g., household wiring) to prevent total failure due to component issues.
