What was the weather like in the Winters?
Cold and snowy
What is one of the states that the Lakota tribe was located in?
Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa
Did the Lakota use
A: Buffalo
B: Dog sleds
C: Reindeer
D: Horses
as their main source of transportation?
D: Horses
What animal's hide were their clothes made of?
What was the Lakota's main source of food?
What is the weather like in the Summer?
Hot and Humid
What Geo. Region is the Lakota tribe located in?
Great Plains
How would they transport their food and goods?
Men wore...
Deer and elk skin shirts and leggings, and moccasins.
What plants/crops did they eat? Name three.
Cacti, acorns, onions, potatoes, cantaloupe, berries, etc.
What is another name for the Lakota tribe?
If you were to walk any direction from Virginia, what way would you walk to get to the Lakota tribe?
Did they ever walk?
What type of houses did they live in?
What animals did they eat? Name three.
Fish, buffalo, turtles, deer, elks, birds, etc.
Do the Lakota have four seasons?
The Lakota tribe consisted of mainly:
A: Oceans
B: Grasslands
C: Hills
D: Valleys
B: Grasslands
What did the Lakota hunt?
A: Buffalo
B: Your Mom
C: Turtles
D: Prairy dogs
Select all that apply
A and C!
What were two colors that were common to see in the Lakota tribe clothing?
Red and Turquoise
____________ of the animal goes to waste.
NO Parts. Wasting was frowned upon int he Lakota tribe.
On an average day in the Spring or Fall in the Lakota tribe, where would the temperature range from?
Anywhere from 50 degrees, to 70 degrees.
Name all six states that the Lakota tribe is located in.
Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa
How often do the Lakota transport all their goods?
Almost every day
Why was there a flap at the top of their houses?
To let out the smoke from the fire that will keep them warm.
Name five things the Lakota might eat.
Fish, buffalo, turtles, deer, elks, birds, etc. Cacti, acorns, onions, potatoes, cantaloupe, berries, etc.