Processes that Change Earth...Constructive and Destructive
How do oceanic and continental landforms compare?
What features can be found on the ocean floor?
How does ocean water move?
How do people affect Earth's land and waters?
This process causes Earth's surface to shake due to the release of energy along a fault.
What is an earthquake
How is a plain on a continent similar to an abyssal plain? A. Wind causes erosion on both B. Rivers can build deltas on both C. Ice can cause weathering on both D. Deposition of sediments occurs on both
What is D. Deposition of sediments occurs on both
What happens at an ocean trench? A. Two plates collide causing mountains to form B. An ocean plate moves below another ocean plate C. New oceanic crust is made D. Two of earth's plates slide past one another
What is B. An ocean plate moves below another ocean plate
What is most likely to happen to an inlet over time? A. It becomes an estuary B. It becomes part of a barrier island C. It changes shape and size D. It is moved inland by a storm surge
What is C. It changes shape and size
What are the 3 R's?
What is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This process can be constructive by allowing molten rock to escape from below the crust and cool and harden to form new land.
What is a volcano?
How are a valley on land and an ocean trench alike? A. Both can be more than 10,000 meters deep B. Both are formed by erosion C. Both are areas with a lower elevation than the surrounding areas D. Both forms as plates move away from each other
What is C. Both are areas with a lower elevation than the surrounding areas
This oceanic landform is most likely to be found in an area where two plates are moving away from one another.
What is a rift zone
What is most likely to cause erosion of a coastline in a short period of time? A. Tides B. Storm waves C. Longshore current D. The formation of a sandbar
What is B. Storm waves
Which of these is most likely to happen as a result of an oil spill? A. Death of ocean organisms B. Increased erosion C. Decreased thermal pollution D. Overflow of landfills
What is A. Death of ocean organisms
Which of the following is an example of a destructive process? A. Deposition of materials in a river delta B. The movement of materials in a landslide C. The building up of a sandbar D. The formation of a volcanic island
What is B. The movement of materials in a landslide
How is a volcanic island different from a volcanic mountain on a continent? A. Only a volcanic mountain can form at a Mid-Ocean Ridge B. Only a volcanic island is built up from the ocean floor C. Only a volcanic mountain is formed as lava erupts and hardens D. Only a volcanic island can form at a plate boundary
What is B. Only a volcanic island is built up from the ocean floor
New oceanic crust is formed here.
What is the mid-ocean ridge
This causes the water levels to change in a regular cycle along the coast.
What are tides
Which of these is a way to protect Earth's lands and oceans? A. Increasing the use of fossil fuels B. Mining and burning coal C. Using more resources D. Reducing pollution
What is D. Reducing pollution
What is most likely to cause a river to deposit some of the sediment it is carrying? A. The amount of water in the river increases B. The speed of water in the river decreases C. The river flows down a mountain D. The river flows through a canyon
What is B. The speed of the water in the river decreases
This material makes up the continental crust.
What is granite
Which of these is least likely to be located at a boundary between Earth's plates. A. Rift Valley B. Ocean Trench C. Mid-Ocean Ridge D. Continental Slope
What is D. Continental Slope
This forms where a river meets the ocean.
What is an estuary
Which is the best example of reusing A. Buying products that do not have lots of packaging B. Handing down used toys and clothes C. Taking plastics and glass to the recycling center D. Planting trees to replaces ones that have been cut down
What is B. Handing down used toys and clothes
How are plants most likely to affect the rate of soil erosion? A. Their roots slow it down by holding the soil in place B. Their roots speed it up by keeping the soil moist C. Their leaves slow it down by changing the direction of the wind D. Their leaves speed it up by increasing the force of raindrops
What is A. their roots slow it down by holding the soil in place
This type of crust is the thinnest and made of basalt?
What is the oceanic crust
This landform is found at the shallowest part of the ocean.
What is the continental shelf
Which of these is most likely to supply nutrients to living things far below the ocean surface? A. Longshore currents B. Low tides C. Deep ocean currents D. Surface currents
What is C. Deep ocean currents
Which of these is most likely to lead to pollution of the ocean? A. Mining resources from large open pits B. Allowing wastewater to cool before dumping it C. Dumping waste into rivers that flow into oceans D. Adding garbage to modern landfills
What is C. Dumping waste into rivers that flow into oceans