How they are made
Stress and Boundaries
Stress and Boundaries continued.
Identify them!

This landform is made of oceanic and continental crust when they collide. This is the type of landform that is made due to the oceanic crust going beneath the continental crust

What is a volcano?


This is the bending, tilting, and breaking of Earth's crust; the change in Earth's crust in response to stress.

What is deformation?


This is the type of stress that squeezes or shortens the material

What is compression?


This type of Earth's crust is super dense and heavy.

What is oceanic crust?


This landform is described as a river of ice

What is a glacier?

This is when the Earth's lithosphere pulls apart and forms a long, narrow, faulted valley

What is a rift?


This type of boundary is where two plates move toward each other.

What is a convergent boundary?


This is the type of stress that lengthens a material or pulls a material apart.

What is tension?


This is the soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.

What is the asthenosphere?


This is an ocean inlet that merges with the mouth of river.

What is an estuary?


This is the type of landform that that is made when two continental plates collide into one another.

What are folded mountains?


This is a type of boundary where two plate move past each other in opposite directions.

What is a transform boundary?


The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a massive mountain chain that runs along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean which began to form millions of years ago as the African Plate and the South American Plate moved away from each other. The plates are still moving apart at a rate of about 2.5 centimeters per year, causing the ridge to grow even taller and wider. This is the type of boundary that the mid-Atlantic ridge is formed at

What is a divergent boundary?


This is a block of lithosphere that consists of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle

What is a tectonic plate?


A narrow ocean inlet surrounded by steep cliffs. Formed by glacial activity.

What is a fjord?


This is the type of natural disaster that occurs with a transform boundary

What is an earthquake?


This is a type of boundary where two plates are moving away from each other.

What is a divergent boundary?


This is a type of boundary that is between the San Andreas fault  and the Queen Charlotte Fault (near California). At this fault, there are many natural disasters that take the form of earthquakes. This is the type of boundary responsible for such a phenomenon.

What is a transform boundary?


This is description of surface features of land

What is topography?


A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas

What is an Isthmus?


This type of landform will form between two continental plates when one block of rock is thrusted over another block of rock.

What is a fault-block mountain?


The Karakoram Range is a mountain range that  has many tall mountains, iThe Karakoram Range formed as the Indo-Australian Plate moved toward and collided with the Eurasian Plate. This is the type of boundary that the Karakoram Range is formed at

What is a convergent boundary?


This is the type of stress that causes material to become distorted or twisted.

What is shear stress?


a line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.

What are contour lines?


a area of land that is surrounded by water on three sides

What is a pennisula?
