What is Money that a tenant pays to the landlord so that they can live in the rental unit.
A contract between the landlord and tenant to rent a place to live.
What is a Lease?
What is also known as a renter, this is the person who pays rent to a landlord.
Information about what the law says.
What is Legal Information
Rental Unit
What is The place where the tenant will live, like an apartment or a house.
What a lawyer thinks you may be able to do if you have a legal problem.
What is Legal Advice or Legal Opinion?
What is The owner of a house or an apartment that someone can live in if they pay rent.
The parts of a building that tenants share.
What are Common Areas?
What is The activity of making sure something is working.
To fix something that is broken.
What is Repair?
Common Areas
What are the parts of a building that tenants share.
A piece of paper that you get to show that you have paid for something.
What is a Receipt?
The Residential Tenancies Act
What is The law about landlords and tenants in Ontario.
A piece of paper from the landlord asking a tenant to leave the apartment.
What is Notice of Eviction?
What is an amount of money put somewhere like a bank?
An amount of money put in a certain place.
What is a Deposit?
The right to privacy
What is The right to not be watched or listened to, and to keep personal information secret.
Services like water, electricity or gas, and heat during the winter.
What are Vital Services?
A person who can give an opinion or advice about a legal problem.
When a rental unit is unoccupied.
What is a Vacancy?