This illustrator has drawn an illustration of every Pokémon. They have drawn for the highest number of Pokémon cards compared to all other illustrators.
Who is Ken Sugimori?
The introduction of this Pokémon single-handedly warped competitive Generation VIII Pure Hackmons around it due to its utterly ridiculous base stats, to the point where two or more of them are used on nearly every single serious team.
What is Eternamax Eternatus?
This Pokémon has infamously been named "Matchup Moth" for its extremely polarizing matchups against different Pokémon depending on its moveset across multiple generations.
What is Volcarona?
"The reason it guides people all the way down to the mountain's base is that it wants them to hurry up and leave."
What is Alolan Ninetales?
In the anime episode Gaining Groudon, the Blue Orb fuses with this Pokémon to possess it to fight on behalf of Groudon.
What is Pikachu?
This Water-type Pokémon has a card released in Unbroken Bonds with an attack that reads, "Three Strikes: Flip 3 coins. This attack does 100 damage for each heads. If all of them are tails, you lose this game."
What is Slowbro?
The Safari Zone Warden, Kaiser, befriends this Pokémon in his youth; it later saves Ash from drowning in a battle against Team Rocket. (Either evolution stage is acceptable.)
What is Dratini/Dragonair?
These are three of the four Abilities of Lopunny and its Mega Evolution.
What are Cute Charm, Klutz, Limber, and Scrappy?
"Though it commands a massive army in battle, it's not skilled at devising complex strategies. It just uses brute strength to keep pushing."
What is Kingambit?
These are three of six Pokémon that are used by Ingo in the Battle Subway.
What are Crustle, Klinklang, Garbodor, Excadrill, Haxorus, and Chandelure?
(reminder to the host to change the scores and reset the buzzers)
This Physical Fairy-type move introduced in Generation IX can only be used against the player in the story; it cannot be used by any of the player's Pokémon through legitimate means.
What is Magical Torque?
These are the only 2 non-Legendary, non-Mythical Pokémon tiered as Uber in ADV (Generation III).
What are Wynaut and Wobbuffet?
"Although it originally had no powers at all, people say its precognitive faculties were awakened by its need to protect itself."
What is Espeon?
In Landorus-Therian Dating Simulator, Landorus-Therian confides his deepest feelings to you, including his lament at losing this Flying-type move in SV (Generation IX).
What is Defog?
This region, exclusive to the Pokémon TCG, is the habitat of Delta Species Pokémon.
Where is Holon?
In Pokémon Red and Blue, these are the only two moves present in Missingno.'s level-up learnset.
What are Water Gun and Sky Attack?
In SV (Generation IX) OU, this Pokémon was banned in September 2024. Two weeks later, its ban was reversed due to voter fraud in the suspect test voting.
What is Kyurem?
"When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away."
What is Ferroseed?
Ukelele Pichu appears in this spin-off series.
What is Pokémon Ranger?
These three Pokémon have the Night March attack and are central to the Night March deck archetype.
What are Joltik, Pumpkaboo, and Lampent?
In the Pokémon Gold and Silver Spaceworld '97 demo, this Pokémon had a Dark/Normal-type pre-evolution named "Tsuinzu."
What is Girafarig?
These are the only 6 Pokémon allowed to be used in RBY 10U, a joke tier consisting of the absolute worst Pokémon in Generation I.
What are Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Magikarp, and Ditto?
"[Pokémon] ride warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. This Pokémon lands when it encounters cold air while it is floating."
What is Jumpluff?
These are three of nine meat ingredients (eggs/dairy do not count) that can be put in a sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
What are bacon, ham, proscuitto, chorizo, herbed sausage, hamburger, Klawf stick, smoked fillet, and fried fillet?