What overarching idea does the poem convey about nature and art?
Nature and art are both created; both are beautiful and worthy of admiration.
What is the primary focus of the poem?
The poet observes a painter at work in the natural environment.
How does the imagery of the mountains enhance the subject matter of the poem?
The mountains are literally part of the natural 'landscape'; the Blue Mountains in particular are an important 'landscape' in Jamiaca.
How does the relationship between the painter and the mountains reflect the theme of creation?
Both God and the artist are 'painting' a scenery; one becomes art while the other becomes life.
Describe the setting where the painter is working.
Blue Mountain-
"twisted, climbing
Mountain track"
The mountains are given human qualities, comparing them to people being prepared to be captured in a photograph.
What emotions are evoked through the description of the mountains and their surroundings?
Awe, peacefulness/tranquility
Who or what are the subjects being portrayed by the painter?
The Blue Mountain scenery-mountains, foothills etc
Himmingbirds are quick, smooth and agile in their movements. Similarly, the painter's movement as he captures the art are professional and awe-inspiring.
How does the theme of patience and observation play a role in the painter's process?
He is painting a difficult scenery therefore, he is methodical and meticulous as he paints.
Who is Albert Huie?
A celebrated Jamaica artist.
What device is used in the following lines:
"Changelessly changing,
Artlessly frustrating"
In what ways does the poem suggest a connection between the artist and Nature?
"straddling precariously..."
"Professional gaze..."
The artist is at one with nature, becoming a part of the very scene he is recreating. The poet is also an artists who captures the painter's movement with words.
Discuss the significance of the “family group” in relation to the mountain landscape
The mountain scenery is compared to a family album- the mountains are 'elders' and the fotthills are like children.
"Where puddles of pigment
Bloom in the palette’s wild small garden."
This metaphor compares the artists palette to a garden. Gardens consist of beatiful flowers of varying colours and shapes; similarly, the palette consists of 'puddles' of paints of varying shades. This is effective as it allows the reader to have a clear visual image of the paint being used to capture the natural scenery which would be filled with vibrant colours and shapes.