Learning A Second Language
Neuroscience of Language
Critical Learning Periods
Language Disorders

The learning of multiple languages has been shown to do this within the brain.

What is form stronger connections?


This part of the brain is responsible for the speaking and/or the writing of language.

What is the Frontal lobe?


It has been shown that children remain adept learners until around this age.

What is 18?


This disorders cause a person to have trouble being able to comprehending what others are communicating.

What is a receptive language disorder?


It has been shown that adults who speak multiple languages have seen improvements in these areas.

What are develop higher intellect, score higher on standardized testing, and have a better memory?


This area of the brain is often referred to as the "Dominant" hemisphere, is largely responsible for the language in the brain.

What is the left hemisphere?


During this time period, the brain is the most sensitive to learning new language. 

What are the first three years?


This type of disorder causes a person to have issues with expressing thoughts and ideas.

What is an expressive language disorder?


Along with improving intellect and memory, learning a second language can help to lower the risk of these  two diseases.

What are Alzheimer's and Dementia?


This area of the brain which lies in the left frontal lobe, if damaged could cause a person to be unable to move facial/tongue muscles. Causing them to be unable to speak any language but fully able to understand it.

What is the Broca's area?

Around this age is when you should start to learn a language in order to obtain a native-like knowledge of it.

What is 10?


Impaired speaking ability, limited vocabulary, confusing tenses, or saying words in the wrong order.

What are symptoms of a language disorder in a child?


Learning a second language can help with task switching and inhibition which are subsets of this ability.

What is the executive function?


If this area of the brain is damaged, it would allow the person he ability to speak but without understanding what they are saying. Often speaking in long sentences that have no meaning or adding unnecessary words.

What is the Wernicke's area?


Human fetuses begin to hear sound at around this time.

What is 27 weeks?


An impairment of language usually due to a stroke, old age, brain tumors, or head trauma.

What is Aphasia?
