Where was Nanny of the Maroons born?
West Africa.
What is a suffix?
A suffix is a morpheme that is added to the end of a word to change it's meaning and spelling.
What is a verb?
A describing word.
What was The Right Excellent Sam Sharpe know as in his community?
Daddy Sharpe.
When was Nanny of the Maroons brought to Jamaica?
In the eighteenth century.
In what year did Nanny of the Maroons become a National Heroes?
In 1975.
What are these called? (" ")
Quotation marks.
What is a noun?
A noun is people,places,animal or thing.
What did the Right Excellent Sam Sharpe say before his death?
"I would rather die upon yonder gallows than live in slavery".
Why was Nanny of the Maroons brought to Jamaica?
To work on the sugar plantation.
How many acres of land did Nanny Maroons received from the British?
500 acres.
What is this called? (!)
A exclamation mark.
What is a adjective?
A word naming an attribute of a noun.
In what year was the Christmas rebellion?
In 1831.
How many years did Nanny of the Maroons lead her people ?
Fifty years.
Nanny of the Maroons picture is on the?
The 500 dollar note.
What is this called? (?)
A question mark.
What is the meaning of the word object?
A material or thing you can see and touched.
How did Sam Sharpe die?
He was hanged.
What kind of genius was Nanny of the Maroons?
A Military genius.
What was Moore Town called?
Nanny Town.
What is this called? (.)
A full stop.
How many components are in a story?
Five components.
Why was Sam Sharpe killed?
For his role in the strike.
What is the name of the only female National hero?
Nanny of the Maroons.