Point of View
Figurative vs. Literal
Informational Text
Story Elements
When the narrator is not a character in the story. Hint: You often see he/she.
What is third person point of view? While your student is reading, ask them what point of view the author used. How do they know?
When words mean exactly what they say. For example, "Chris runs quickly."
What is literal language? Students must know the difference between literal and figurative language.
Text that gives the reader information or explains something.
What is informational text? STAAR Reading tests fiction and nonfiction. Students must be able to tell the difference and adapt their purpose for reading.
Where and when the story takes place.
What is the setting? When your child is reading, ask them what the setting is. Ask them to describe where the story takes place.
When the narrator is also a character in the story.
What is first person? While your child is reading ask them why the author chose that point of view. How would the story change if it was written from a different point of view?
When words means something different than what they say. For example, "Peter runs like a cheetah."
What an figurative language? Students must know different types of figurative language and the reason that writers use figurative language.
The most important point the writer is trying to make.
What is the main idea? Being able to reduce an entire article to 1 main idea is not an easy task. Practice this at home by reading a paragraph from the newspaper or a magazine article and asking, "What is this mostly about?"
People in the story.
What are characters? At home ask your child about characters. Who is the main character? How do they feel? What do you have in common with them? What is the main problem the character faces?
When the narrator knows the thoughts and feeling of the character.
What is omniscient?
Reading is like taking a trip to a new place.
What is a simile?
Less important points the prove the main idea is true.
What are supporting details?
The sequence of events in a story.
What is the plot? Students must be able to summarize the plot of a story. Practice this at home by asking your student to tell you what happened in 3-5 sentences. Make sure they include only the most important events!
Name the point of view: The girl stood regarding Montag with eyes so dark and shining that he felt he had said something quite wonderful. But he knew his mouth had only moved to say hello. “Do you mind if I ask? How long have you worked at being a fireman?” the girl asked.
What is third person point of view?
Her eyes were fireflies.
What is a metaphor?
The subject the author is writing about.
What is the topic?
The message about life that the author wants to express.
What is the theme? The next time you watch a movie as a family, ask your student what the theme was. What lesson about life did they learn?
Name the point of view The gunman is useless. I know it. He knows it. The whole bank knows it. Even my best mate, Marvin, knows it, and he’s more useless than the gunman. The worst part about the whole thing is that Marv’s car is standing outside in a fifteen-minute parking zone. We’re all facedown on the floor, and the car’s only got a few minutes left on it.
What is first person point of view?
"Crash!" and "Buzz" are examples of these.
What is onomatopoeia?
Soccer is played in many countries. It is know in some countries as “football.” It is a popular sport around the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to today. Which best shows the main idea of the paragraph? A. Soccer is important at the Olympics. B. Soccer is a worldwide sport. C. Soccer is also called football. D. Soccer is played by men and women.
What is B?
The main problem in a story.
What is the conflict? Challenge your student to identify the main problem that the character faces.