Parts of Speech
Text Structures
Main Idea
What is an inference? And what are the components?
An educated guess using text clues and background knowledge
What is a noun?
A noun is a peson, place, or thing
What is a text structure?
How an informational text is organized
What is the main idea of a text?
What the text is mostly about
What is the purpose of evidence? Why do we use it?
Evidence is used to support your answer.
My name is James and every Saturday I go to the local sports center. For my hobby I have to wear a white robe and a yellow belt but I never wear shoes because they could hurt someone. I find it hard not to laugh when we have to bow at each other before we start! One day I hope to get a black belt. What is James’s hobby? a. Karate. b. Soccer. c. Basketball.
a. Karate.
What are all the nouns in the sentence? Jen picked up her pencil and drew a picture on the yellow paper.
Jen, pencil, picture, paper
List 5 text structures we have done in class
Cause & Effect Compare & Contrast Problem & Solution Sequence Chronological Description
Although many people think a koala is a bear, it is not. The koala is a type of mammal called a marsupial. A kangaroo is also a marsupial. These mammals carry their babies in a pouch. The kangaroo’s pouch is on her stomach, but the koala’s pouch is on her back. Both feed their babies milk and keep them secure in their pouch until they are strong enough to survive on their own. What is the main idea? a. The koala is not a bear. b. The kangaroo is nothing like the koala. c. The kangaroo and koala are mostly alike but have some differences. d. Thekangarooandkoalaare exactly alike.
c. The kangaroo and koala are mostly alike but have some differences.
I went for a run this morning. Although I usually run in the evening, I decided to go in the morning because of the weather. It has been so hot this summer, so hot in fact, that I cannot run in the evening. Therefore, until we have cooler weather, I will continue to enjoy a morning run. Which TWO sentences discuss why the author chose the time to go for a run? A. One and Two B. Two and Three C. Three and Four D. One and Four
B. Two and Three
My name is Lucy and I have always loved animals. Even though I feel very safe, I have to wear a helmet to do my hobby. I also wear white leggings but I like those. My Dad said that if I do well in my next show jumping competition, I can have a pony all of my own! What is Lucy’s hobby? a. Jogging. b. Cooking. c. Horse riding.
c. Horse riding.
What does a verb do?
A verb describes what a noun is doing
The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called "tectonic plates." These plates move. When the plates rub against each other, they do not move smoothly. When the plates do not move smoothly, earthquakes result. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes than other parts. The parts of the earth that get most earthquakes are near the edges of these plates. How is this text structured?
Cause & Effect
Lucy would never get her room clean. It looked like a tornado had hit it. She couldn’t believe how much damage her friends had done. They pull everything out and didn’t put anything back. Glue was spilled all over her rug, and fingernail polish was spilled on her new bedspread. They had even wiped their chocolate covered fingers on her curtains. Wow! What a mess. What is the main idea? a. There is glue on the rug. b. Lucy’s friends are messy. c. A tornado hit the house. d. Lucy’s friends ate chocolate.
b. Lucy’s friends are messy.
Salmon A fish that is a great favorite with people is the salmon. It begins its life in a small pool up a river. Far from the sea, the fish lays its eggs in a pool in the river. When the baby fish are a few inches long, they begin to swim down the river. As they grow bigger, they make their way towards the sea. They jump over rocks, often with their tails first. Suddenly, they find themselves in the sea. The fish live in the sea for three years. They swim far away from land. How do they find their way back? These fish have a wonderful sense of smell. They always remember the smell of their journey to the sea easily, because the river was flowing to the sea and carried them there. Most of them live, and keep swimming towards pools. As soon as they reach a pool, the females lay their eggs. They lay their eggs near the edge of the water and cover them with sand. Soon the eggs hatch and the pool is full of small fish, getting ready for the long journey out to the sea. Which sentence discusses where salmon begin their lives? A. Sentence One B. Sentence Two C. Sentence Three D. Sentence Four
B. Sentence Two
Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped on the couch. After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice in on his belly and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside of a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down and relocated garbage from other parts of the can, arranging over the soup can. He then plopped down on the couch and picked up his controller. What inference can you make about why Kyle is mad?
He received bad grades on his report card
What is the verb in the following sentence? The hunter searches for a deer.
Some countries, such as Japan, or parts of a country, like California in the United States, have a lot of earthquakes. In these places it is a good practice to build houses and other buildings so they will not collapse when there is an earthquake. This is called seismic design or "earthquake-proofing". How is this text structured?
Problem & Solution
Tim and his family went fishing today. They stopped on the way to the lake and bought all of their favorite snacks. When they got to the lake, they ate and then started fishing. Tim caught four fish, and his brother caught three. They laughed and gave each other a high-five every time they caught a fish. The whole family had a great time. Maybe they would go fishing again soon. What is the main idea? a. Tim caught four fish. b. He ate his favorite snack. c. The family had a great time. d. They ate fish for supper.
c. The family had a great time.
Salmon A fish that is a great favorite with people is the salmon. It begins its life in a small pool up a river. Far from the sea, the fish lays its eggs in a pool in the river. When the baby fish are a few inches long, they begin to swim down the river. As they grow bigger, they make their way towards the sea. They jump over rocks, often with their tails first. Suddenly, they find themselves in the sea. The fish live in the sea for three years. They swim far away from land. How do they find their way back? These fish have a wonderful sense of smell. They always remember the smell of their journey to the sea easily, because the river was flowing to the sea and carried them there. Most of them live, and keep swimming towards pools. As soon as they reach a pool, the females lay their eggs. They lay their eggs near the edge of the water and cover them with sand. Soon the eggs hatch and the pool is full of small fish, getting ready for the long journey out to the sea. Which statement is NOT a key fact of salmon? A. Salmon are born in the ocean. B. Salmon can jump over rocks with their tail. C. Salmon swim long distances. D. Salmon return from the ocean after three years.
D. Salmon return from the ocean after three years.
Today was a special day in Ms. Smith's class. Some of the children were walking around the room, some of them were standing in small groups, and some of them were at their desks, putting finishing touches on cardboard mailboxes. After coloring a cool flame on the side of his racecar mailbox, Johnny hopped out of his chair, strutted over to Veronica's desk, and dropped a small white envelope into her princess castle mailbox. Veronica blushed and played with her hair. While this was happening, Bartleby was frantically trying to put a small white envelope into everyone's mailbox. After giving one to Ms. Smith, Bartleby pulled out a medium-sized red envelope from his pocket. He blushed and tried to put it in Veronica's mailbox, but it wouldn't quite fit. Bartleby struggled with it for a few seconds and then ran off with the envelope. Veronica rolled her eyes and popped her gum. What inference can you make about what day it might be?
It is Valentine's day!
What is the verb in the following sentence? The roof of the house leaks.
A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain that begins in the ocean and builds up strength as it moves across the water. While some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds, most of it is usually from tidal surge, flooding entire cities, and killing large numbers of people. A tornado is a storm that develops on land, with no warning, and moves in a circular motion with heavy winds with a funnel shape, picking up and carrying dirt, dust, and even objects. The damage caused by tornadoes is from the high velocity winds, which are extremely destructive and deadly. They can demolish entire neighborhoods in a matter of a few seconds to a few minutes. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes make landfall, as their winds at ground level slow down, while the winds near the top keep their momentum, but a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado. How is this text structured?
Compare & Contrast
Many of life’s simple pleasures were invented by accident. The Popsicle is one such treat. In 1905, eleven year old Frank Epperson forgot to bring in his treat, a cup of powdered soda, water, and the stick he used to stir it. The temperature dropped below freezing that night, and Epperson woke up to find his cup of soda frozen onto the stirring stick. He laughed and called it an “Epsicle.” He began making this frozen treat for his friends and later for his own children. His kids would ask him for “Pops’s ‘sicle.” He thought if his friends had liked them as a kid and now his own children liked them, he might have discovered something that would sell. In 1923, he changed the name to Popsicle and applied for a patent. He sold them for a couple of years before selling the rights and the name to the Joe Lowe Company. Popsicles were a single stick until the Great Depression. During this time of hardship, the company started making the twin Popsicle so two kids could share one ice treat for a nickel. Currently Popsicles come with a riddle on the stick with the answer at the bottom, so you have to eat the entire treat to get the answer. Now as from the beginning, cherry is the number one flavor. So grab a Popsicle and enjoy! What is the main idea?
how popsicles were invented and their history.
For a full, healthy and useful life, sports are as important and necessary as work. They help us mentally, physically and emotionally, and help us to develop a healthy outlook towards life. Sports are very useful as a diversion for the mind. Most sports need skill and good judgment. Players not only develop their bodies but also develop their minds. Players must acquire the art of playing a game. A person good at sports gets preference over others for admission to colleges. Some scholarships and other resources are also offered to meritorious players by some schools. In some departments of the government, good players with proven merit get the jobs in preference to others. In the armed forces, the police and other civil services, players get a better deal. Sports develop our character. The players have to abide by the rules of the game. Any departure from these rules means foul play. Every foul stroke in a game involves a penalty. Therefore, players play a fair game. Fair play is a noble moral quality. Players become honest and punctual. Sports develop the sportsman’s spirit in a player. Defeat does not dishearten a true sportsman. He does not feel over- excited if he wins a match. He should learn to take both victory and defeat in stride. He never strikes his adversary for that. Sports also teach us team spirit. Nearly all sports are team sports. A selfish player cannot score a goal. The captain is always to be obeyed. Sports also develop the quality of leadership. Sports make us broad-minded. A good player gets many opportunities to visit other countries. Sports contribute to the strength of a nation. Which paragraph discusses that sports teach team spirit and develop leadership qualities? A. Paragraph 1 B. Paragraph 2 C. Paragraph 3
C. Paragraph 3