Which sentence is written correctly? A. Last night, we heard a loud noise outside. We ran into the back yard. Saw that a tree had fallen. B. Last night, we heard a loud noise outside. We ran into the back yard and saw that a tree had fallen. C. Last night. We heard a loud noise outisde. We ran into the back yard. And saw that a tree had fallen. D. Last night we heard a loud noise outside, we ran into the back yard, we saw that a tree had fallen.
What is B? Last night, we heard a loud noise outside. We ran into the back yard and saw that a tree had fallen.
6. Choose the sentence which is worded the best. A. Cold and refreshing juice drinks have become very popular. B. Juice drinks have become very popular, cold and refreshing. C. Juice drinks have become, cold and refreshing, very popular. D. Juice drinks, cold and refreshing, have become very popular.
What is A? Cold and refreshing juice drinks have become very popular.
11. Which of the following is written correctly? A. George came early and weren't ready. B. George came early and ready we weren't. C. George came early and we weren't ready. D. George came early and weren't ready, we.
What is C?George came early and we weren't ready.
16. Choose the correct order of the following sentences. 1. After breakfast we were all ready for a hike. 2. He woke us up at four o'clock in the morning. 3. When we arrived at the campsite we cooked breakfast around a campfire. 4. My father took us all on a surprise camping trip last weekend. 5. We piled into the truck and drove for three hours. A. 4-2-5-3-1 B. 4-2-3-1-5 C. 2-4-3-1-5 D. 4-3-5-2-1
What is A? 4-2-5-3-1
21. Choose the best topic sentence for the paragraph. ___________________________ Many people attended the auction. The school asked parents to donate items to be auctioned off. The auction earned a lot of money for charity. A. Auctions are great. B. Auctions sell things at great prices. C. The school works with parents. D. The school hosted a charity auction.
What is D? The school hosted a charity auction.
Choose the sentence that is correctly written and is not a fragment or run-on. A. We have sold forty tickets, to nexxt week's play. B. We have sold. Next week's play. C. We have sold forty tickets; next week's play. D. We have sold forty tickets to next week's play.
What is D? We have sold forty tickets to next week's play.
7. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. That ___________ trunk is very long. A. elephant's B. elephants' C. elephants's D. elephant
What is A? elephant's
12. Which of the following would best complete the sentence? Will you please find Amy's books and return ___ to her. A. it B. they C. them D. her
What is C? them
17. Choose the correct order of the following sentences. 1. She went to Fisherman's Wharf early on Monday. 2. Lindsey flew to San Francisco for her vacation. 3. Her friend took her to dinner in Chinatown on Monday night. 4. She took a boat to Alcatraz on Tuesday. 5. She checked into her hotel late on Sunday. A. 2-3-5-1-4 B. 5-3-2-4-1 C. 3-4-2-1-5 D. 2-5-1-3-4
What is D? 2-5-1-3-4
22. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Samantha really wanted to go to the concert. _____ she remembered that she had too much homework to do. A. As B. First C. Then D. Next
What is B? First
3. Which sentence is written correctly? A. In December. We are flying to Rome for vacation. It should be a wonderful trip. B. In December we are flying to Rome for vacation it should be a wonderful trip. C. In December we are flying to Rome for vacation, it should be a wonderful trip. D. In December, we are flying to Rome for vacation. It should be a wonderful trip.
What is D? In December, we are flying to Rome for vacation. It should be a wonderful trip.
8. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Those ___________ trunk is very long. A. elephant's B. elephants' C. elephants's D. elephant
What is B? elephants'
13. Choose the answer that correctly combines the following underlined sentences. Is the weather warm? Do I need a sweater? A. Is the weather warm enough for a sweater? B. Warm is not the weather and so I need a sweater. C. The sweater is for when the weather is not warm. D. Is the weather warm, or do I need a sweater?
What is A?Is the weather warm enough for a sweater?
18. Choose the correct order of the following sentences. 1.These falls are an amazing natural wonder. 2. Niagara Falls is a popular tourist attraction. 3. These natural wonders are located on a national border. 4. Many people cross the border to admire the beauty of Niagara Falls. 5. Those who cross the border to often agree that the Canadian falls are even more beautiful. A. 1-2-3-4-5 B. 2-3-1-4-5 C. 2-1-3-4-5 D. 2-1-4-5-3
What is B? 2-3-1-4-5
23. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Tina was surprised when she heard a knock on the door. _____ she remembered Vanessa was coming over for dinner. A. As B. Then C. Because D. So
What is B?Then
4. Choose the sentence which is worded the best. A. Sheila can quickly clean her bedroom. B. Quickly Sheila can clean her bedroom. C. Sheila quickly can clean her bedroom. D. Sheila can clean quickly her bedroom.
What is A? Sheila can quickly clean her bedroom.
9. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Those __________ patients were very pleased with the report. A. doctors B. doctor's C. doctors's D. doctors'
What is D? doctors'
14. Choose the answer that correctly combines the following underlined sentences. Margo plays the flute. Margo plays the guitar. Margo plays the piano. A. The flute, and guitar, and banjo are played by Margo. B. Margo plays the flute and guitar and banjo. C. Margo plays the flute, guitar, and banjo. D. These instruments are played by Margo.
What is C? Margo plays the flute, guitar, and banjo.
19. Choose the answer that best develops the underlined topic sentence. Mikel and Celine are the stars of the school play. A. Plays are very entertaining. B. They practice their roles every day after school. C. In some plays the actors sing. D. River Middle School is located in a small town.
What is B? They practice their roles every day after school.
24. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Leroy and Daniela decided to go for a hike. ____, they took off their boots and relaxed by the fire. A. Initially B. Thirdly C. Afterward D. Lastly
What is C? Afterward
5. Choose the sentence which is worded the best. A. The dog barks loudly when someone rings the doorbell. B. Loudly the dog barks when someone rings the doorbell. C. The loudly dog barks when someone rings the doorbell. D. The dog barks when someone rings the doorbell loudly.
What is D? The dog barks loudly when someone rings the doorbell.
10. Which of the following is written correctly? A. Each student needs his or her to find own desk. B. Each student, his or her, needs to find a desk. C. Each student needs his or her own desk to find. D. Each student needs to find his or her own desk.
What is D?Each student needs to find his or her own desk.
15. Choose the answer that correctly combines the following underlined sentences. Linus made the cookies. Linus did not make the cake. A. Linus made the cookies, but he did not make the cake. B. The cookies were made by Linus, not the cake. C. The cake and cookies were made by Linus. D. Linus made the cookies.
What is A? Linus made the cookies, but he did not make the cake.
20. Choose the answer that best develops the underlined topic sentence. Kelly Henderson received a citizenship award for her recycling efforts. A. Recycling is a very important activity. B. Glass, paper, and aluminum are easy to recycle. C. Recycling saves natural resources. D. Kelly founded a valuable neighborhood recycling program.
What is D? Kelly founded a valuable neighborhood recycling program.
25. Which part of the sentence contains an error? Both Nalu and Alani,/two great friends,/really wants to win the contest, / but hate competing/ against each other. A. two great friends, B. Both Nalu and Alani, C. against each other. D. really wants to win the contest,
What is D?really wants to win the contest,