Figures of Speech
Main Idea
Context Clues
Fact or Opinion

The pages of the book were slick and shiny. And each picture made Masen feel cool and sweet inside, like a drink of water on a hot day. Mrs. Long let Masen look at the book because he was quiet and good in the library.

What does this simile tell you?

A. It suggests that Masen feels thirsty at the library.

B. It suggests that Masen feels good when he looks at the pictures.

B. It suggests that Masen feels good when he looks at the pictures.


Dogs and wolves are part of the same animal family. Both animals have strong senses of smell and are loyal to their packs. But dogs and wolves are quite different when it comes to people. Dogs are used to living with people and get along well with them. In fact, dogs have been called "man's best friend." Wolves, on the other hand, cannot live with humans. Wolves prefer to live in the wild, where they can hunt for their food. Clearly, dogs belong with people, while wolves do not.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Dogs are better suited to living with people than wolves are.

B. Wolves and dogs are members of the same animal family, so they have many things in common.

A. Dogs are better suited to living with people than wolves are.


I went to Chloe's violin recital last night, and it was marvelous! It was simply the best performance that she's ever given.

What is the meaning of the word "recital" as used above?

A. concert

B. gift

C. service

A. concert


Which sentence states a fact?

A. North of the Arctic Circle, there are days each year when the sun does not completely rise or set.

B. The region north of the Arctic Circle is the most miserable place on earth.

A. North of the Arctic Circle, there are days each year when the sun does not completely rise or set.


"How were tryouts?" Bridget's mom chirped.

Bridget dropped her racket on the couch and slumped down beside it.

"I stayed at the baseline," she mumbled. "I should have run to the net more."

Bridget's mom wrapped her up in a huge hug. "Aw, honey. There's always next year."

Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

A. Bridget wasn't chosen for the softball team.

B. Bridget dropped her racket and broke it.

C. Bridget didn't make the tennis team.

C. Bridget didn't make the tennis team.


But finally there was one last curve, the poplar trees ended, and Karyma's fears were realized. "Carleana, that's not a cottage."

"No, I agree. That's a mansion."

And so it was, a huge mansion crouching in the middle of formal gardens.

What does this example of personification tell you?

A. It suggests that the height of the house is somewhat hidden.

B. It suggests that the house is crooked and bent.

A. It suggests that the height of the house is somewhat hidden.


Recycling things like paper, plastic, and metal helps the earth by cutting down on trash. Yet many people throw away their newspapers, bottles, and cans instead of recycling them. The question, then, is how to encourage more people to recycle. One way that works is to put recycling containers in more places. Seeing more recycling bins helps people remember to use them. Another way is to teach people why recycling is important. If we make recycling easier and teach people why it matters, more people will join in.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. We need to get more people to recycle so that we stop throwing out so much trash.

B. We can get more people to recycle by putting out more bins and teaching people about why recycling matters.

B. We can get more people to recycle by putting out more bins and teaching people about why recycling matters.


What is the meaning of the word "creased" as used below?

Check to see if your striped dress shirt is wrinkled. If it's creased, you should iron it before wearing it to the concert.

A. not smooth

B. not clean

C. not attractive

A. not smooth


Which sentence states a fact?

A. The Maya people believed that chocolate was the food of the gods.

B. The Maya people of Central America had some peculiar ideas about chocolate.

A. The Maya people believed that chocolate was the food of the gods.


Aaron shoved a fistful of mashed peas into his mouth, and then threw his cup on the floor. When Tony bent over to pick up the cup, Aaron squealed and grabbed his brother's hair.

"You little monster!" Tony laughed.

Aaron is most likely.......

A baby!


Then I knew that even though nobody in the world figured that old car had any good purpose, Nala knew there was some real reason to let it sit. And when her pet died, she figured out what it was.

I never saw two people love each other so much.

What does this example of hyperbole tell you?

A. It suggests that very few people thought the car had a purpose.

B. It suggests that Nala does not believe the car is where it belongs.

A. It suggests that very few people thought the car had a purpose.


The first hair dryer was invented in 1888 by a hairstylist named Alexandre Godefroy. His invention had to be hooked up to a heater. It sent heat through a pipe to a "hat" on the person's head. Before Godefroy's invention, there was no easy way to dry hair. People had to sit next to a stove or fireplace or out in the sun. They didn't wash their hair often. After Godefroy's invention, people could dry their hair faster. By the early 1920s, hairstyles and hair-washing habits were changing. Godefroy's invention was a first step in making it easier to dry and style hair.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Alexandre Godefroy's first hair dryer was quite difficult to use.

B. People didn't wash their hair very often before the hair dryer was invented.

C. Alexandre Godefroy changed what people could do with their hair.

C. Alexandre Godefroy changed what people could do with their hair.


What is the meaning of the word "primitive" as used below? 

The campers built a primitive fort on the island in the middle of the lake. Though the fort's construction was simple, they still used it to play games all summer long.

A. large or of great size

B. exciting and thrilling

C. basic; not developed

C. basic; not developed


Which sentence states a fact?

A. The worst diseases are spread to humans by mosquitoes.

B. Some mosquitoes carry germs that can cause diseases like yellow fever.

B. Some mosquitoes carry germs that can cause diseases like yellow fever.


Levi's grandma looked up from her book. "Hey kiddo! You're home early."

Levi unbuttoned his Wildcats jersey and pointed out the window. Trees were whipping back and forth in the wind. "Can't really play baseball in this weather."

Levi's grandma tousled his hair. "I guess not."

Levi touched the top of his head. "Oh no!"

Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

A. Levi is afraid of thunderstorms.

B. Levi doesn't want his hair to get messed up.

C. Levi realizes that his baseball cap is missing.

C. Levi realizes that his baseball cap is missing.


And if you're wondering why my hair is wet, I just finished swimming laps."

"You have a pool?"

"Almost everyone in Florida has a pool, or a neighbor who has a pool you can use. If we didn't have free access to pools, we would melt in the summer."

What does this example of hyperbole tell you?

A. It suggests that the pools are warm and relaxing in the summer.

B. It suggests that Florida is a very hot place in the summer.

B. It suggests that Florida is a very hot place in the summer.


The Maya were an ancient people who lived in what is now Central America. The Mayan world was made up of two very different classes. Kings and other noble people ruled at the top. Peasants, or common people, served the nobles and were often treated poorly. The nobles wore fancy feathers and jewels. They lived in huge stone palaces and didn't work. Peasants, on the other hand, worked very hard at farming. They wore simple clothing and lived in huts made of mud or stone. Life was much more pleasant for a noble than a peasant.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The Mayan world was made up of nobles and peasants.

B. Mayan peasants had simple huts to live in and wore plain clothing.

C. Mayan nobles had easier lives than Mayan peasants.

C. Mayan nobles had easier lives than Mayan peasants.


What is the meaning of the word "detect" as used below? 

You probably notice smells with your nose every day. But were you aware that human skin can detect scents as well? In fact, some research suggests that certain scents can encourage skin to heal faster.

A. confuse

B. compare

C. discover

C. discover


Which sentence states a fact?

A. The design of Brazil's flag reflects a lack of imagination.

B. Brazil's flag is green with a yellow diamond and a blue circle.

B. Brazil's flag is green with a yellow diamond and a blue circle.


"Why isn't anyone eating the cookies I made?" Dakiyah wondered.

"They're not drinking the lemonade I made, either," Kenzlee said. "Maybe I put in too much sugar?" She poured herself a glass and took a sip. "Gross! This tastes like sour seawater!"

Dakiyah smacked her forehead. "We really need to label our sugar and salt containers."

Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

A. Kenzlee used ocean water instead of tap water.

B. Dakiyah put too much sugar in her cookies.

C. The girls accidentally used salt instead of sugar.

C. The girls accidentally used salt instead of sugar.


Thick swales of swamp grass rippled. Mud turtles napped in the sun. The world was so calm that Omakayas could hear herself blink. Only the sweet call of a solitary white-throated sparrow pierced the cool of the woods beyond.

What does this example of hyperbole tell you?

A. It shows that Omakayas has problems with her eyes.

B. It shows that Omakayas is in a very quiet place.

C. It shows that Omakayas has excellent hearing.

B. It shows that Omakayas is in a very quiet place.


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant pile of garbage in the Pacific Ocean. It contains mainly bits of plastic from bags, water bottles, and cups. Each year, thousands of sea animals, birds, and fish die from eating the plastic. A Dutch businessman named Boyan Slat thought of a way to deal with the garbage problem. In 2013, Slat started planning the Ocean Cleanup project. The project uses a long floating fence to gather the garbage. Natural water currents and winds help with this collection process, and then ships remove the garbage. Ocean Cleanup could be a first step to a cleaner Pacific.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The garbage problem in the Pacific causes the deaths of thousands of sea animals every year.

B. The Ocean Cleanup project uses the ocean's natural currents to help collect garbage.

C. The garbage problem in the Pacific led Boyan Slat to come up with an answer.

C. The garbage problem in the Pacific led Boyan Slat to come up with an answer.


What is the meaning of the word "notable" as used below? 

What has been the most important invention of the past two thousand years? Some might say that the printing press was the most notable. What do you think?

A. fragile

B. remarkable

C. unusual

B. remarkable


Which sentence states a fact?

A. The Vikings came from what are now the countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

B. The Vikings carried out their raids in a swift, vicious fashion.

A. The Vikings came from what are now the countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.


There were five bird feeders in total. One by the yellow door, one by the window, and three others in nearby trees. And there was a birdhouse on every tree.

Cameron looked down at his hummingbird boots and smiled. He was going to get along with his aunt just fine.

Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

A. Cameron visits his aunt often.

B. Cameron's aunt has bird boots just like his.

C. Cameron and his aunt both love birds.

D. Cameron's aunt makes birdhouses for a living.

C. Cameron and his aunt both love birds.
