Novels/Short Story:
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The story about a young man who was assigned a role as a receiver who is received many dark and happy memories from the past. 

What is "The Giver"...?


A literary device using to compare two things (Such as: "like" or "as")

What is a "simile"...?


A famous civil rights leader in the 1950's to 1960's changed the rights for African-Americans achieving equal rights and ending the movement of segregation. 

Who is "Martin Luther King"...?


This. type. of. grammar. can. be. shown. in. this. sentence.

What is a "period"...?


Honolulu is the capital of this state.

What is the capital of Hawaii?


A story about a man who was very dumb and had a hard time in the past with school. So, he decides to find doctors to help him get smarter but was also used as an experiment to become smarter.

What is the novel "Flowers for Algernon"...?


Sentences like: "He's a couch potato" "That party was the bomb" and "Bob is a pig when he eats" are examples of a figurative language stating one thing is another thing

What is a "metaphor'...?


A famous aviator flew almost halfway across the Pacific Ocean but disappeared and never to be seen again...

Who is "Amelia Earhart"...?


Words or a word that can refer to a person, place, or thing. 

What is a "noun"...?


The 1st famous cruise ship ocean liner in 1912 that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean heading to New York from Southhampton, England.

What is the "Titanic"...?


The dystopian novel about Pretties and Uglies.

What is the novel "Uglies"...?


A literary device used where warnings or suggestions about actions or events are to come in the story. 

What is "foreshadowing"...?


An American Civil Rights leader during the movement for African Americans in the 19th century. He escaped slavery in Maryland and became a national leader for abolitionist movement as he had fame for being a public speaker and an author. 

Who is "Frederick Douglass"...?


A punctuation mark that can represent a short pause in a sentence and is used to divide the parts. 

What is a "comma"...?


The least liked subject in school. (Clue: M)

What is "mathematics"...?


A series of three different stories with three child refugees from Germany, Cuba, and Syria trying to leave their homes with their families.

What is the novel "Refugee"...?


A series of three types of categories (Verbal, dramatic, and situational) which are used differently. It is a figure of speech which is a form of expression where something is said different from what it actually means.

What is "irony"...?


Recognized for the 1851 Women's Rights Convention in Ohio as she became famous for women's right speeches and became a famous women abolitionist. 

Who is "Sojourner Truth"...?


Can be a word or words describing an action being performed in the sentence.

What is a "verb"...?


These people are the most popular basketball NBA player's in the U.S.

Who is "LeBron James & Stephen Curry"...?


A novel about two 16 year old teenagers who both start to have a real connection throughout the story as they find mysterious signs in the library they met in. And also finding terrifying signs around a particular 16 year old. 

What is the novel "What You Hide"...?


Can be used twice or more times using the same first letter.

What is "Alliteration"...?


A principal spokesman of the Nation of Islam in the 1950's to 1960's. His ideas and speeches inspired more independence among African Americans in the 1960's to 1970's. 

Who is "Malcolm X"...?


Are used at the beginning and end of a sentence and are used for a person or thing speaking. 

What are "quotation marks"...?


¿Qué dice esto en Español?

What is "What does this mean in Spanish" in Spanish?
