What is a noun?
A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
What two words make the contraction "he’s"?
He is
What comes next in this number sequence: 2, 4, 6, ___?
Find the noun in this sentence: "The dog ran across the yard."
Dog, yard
What two words make the contraction "she’s"?
She is
What is a sequence?
A sequence is a pattern or order of things that follow one after the other.
What is the noun in this sentence: "Ms. Ochoa is a teacher."
Ms. Ochoa, teacher
Which of the following is a contraction: "isn’t," "jumped," "funny"?
What happens if you add 1 more to this sequence: 1, 2, 3, ___?
Which of these words is a noun: "run, cat, jump"?
What is the contraction for "it is"?
What comes next in this pattern: "A, B, A, B, ___"?
Name three nouns you see in our classroom right now.
(Varies by student response)
Combine these two words to make a contraction: "she is."
In the story "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything," what came first in the sequence of spooky items that followed her?