Cause & Effect
Drawing Conclusions
Fact or Opinion
Bob, Jim, and Kathy pedaled slowly up the hill. They could see the schoolhouse just at the crest of the hill. The sight seemed to make them pedal even slower. On the way, they passed many students. Some they played with every day, but others they had not seen since the last day of school. Finally, Bob, Jim, and Kathy got to the schoolyard. They parked their bikes and locked them. They didn't have any books to carry into school yet. But, they would bring books home. Teachers always give out books right away. A mean teacher might even give homework immediately. Ugh! it is likely that: a) It is the first day of school b) It is a Friday c) It is the day after a long holiday
a) It is the first day of school
Mr. Hansen is a baker. He bakes bread and cakes. He likes children. He gives them free cookies. Effect: Mr. Hansen gives cookies to children What was the Cause? a) Children like to bake b) He bakes bread c) He likes children
c) He likes children
Aerobic is Greek for "air" and "life." Aerobic exercises makes your heart and lungs work harder than usual. It makes you breathe deeper. It also makes your heart beat faster. It is likely that: a) Running is an aerobic exercise b) Bowling is an aerobic exercise c) Golfing is an aerobic exercise
a) Running is an aerobic exercise
The football game was lots of fun yesterday.
What is an opinion
She has a heart of gold really means...
She is a kind, caring person
Thousands of years ago, the schools in India did not teach reading, writing, or arithmetic. The schools were very different. A guru, or Indian leader, was the master at these schools. The guru taught the students how to separate right from wrong. The guru taught them things that were good or bad. The students at these schools lived in mud huts with other students. You see, life for students was supposed to be uncomfortable. This lack of comfort was supposed to teach students to think about their lives. They were supposed to think about helping and serving the guru. In fact, each student had to beg other people for money. The student then gave the money to the guru. it is likely that: a) Gurus taught arithmetic and writing b) Thousands of years ago, Indian teachers were called a guru c) The word "guru" means "mud hut"
b) Thousands of years ago, Indian teachers were called a guru
Frank loves fresh fish. He went fishing with his friends. They caught four fat fish. Frank was very happy. Cause: Frank caught some fish What was the effect? a) He was happy b) He went fishing c) Frank was fresh
a) He was happy
Red blood cells only live about four months, and are made in the one marrow. Thousands are made each minute. It is likely that: a) Red blood cells are rarely ever needed b) Red blood cells are used every day c) Red blood cells are not very important
b) Red blood cells are used every day
Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.
What is an opnion
I'm all tied up right now really means...
I'm very busy!
Art did not like swimming class. He took it because it was easier than taking exercise class. But still, Art didn't like it. He wasn't very good at swimming. Now it was his turn. he was supposed to swim in the first lane. He was supposed to share the lane with Sue Scott. SPLASH! The two jumped into the water when Ms. Gunderson blew the whistle. The water was cold! That was something else Art didn't like. The chlorine was awful. He hated to open his eyes, even with goggles on! But he did--and he saw Sue ahead of him. Art wasn't going to be beaten! He kicked furiously. Then he grabbed Sue's ankle and pulled her backwards. It is likely that: a) Art wears goggles so he can do jumping jacks b) Sue will move over and let Art swim passed her c) Art thinks there is something wrong with coming in second
c) Art thinks there is something wrong with coming in second
Grandmother grew flowers in her garden. She grew the most beautiful flowers in town. Many people came to see Grandmother's garden. Effect: People came to see the garden What was the Cause? a) Many gardens were in the town b) Grandmother grew beautiful flowers c) Many people grew flowers
b) Grandmother grew beautiful flowers
You spot a creature crawling across the forest floor. When you follow it, it hides under a log. That bug looked like it had a million legs. It is likely that: a) You just was a spider b) You just saw a centipede c) You just saw a grasshopper
b) You just saw a centipede
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are weekdays.
What is a fact.
He's blowing his own horn really means...
He's bragging about himself
Matthew was hot already, and it was only 7:30 in the morning. He was on his way to his first class of the day. It was July, and Matthew was going to summer school. Matthew would rather be swimming. He would even rather be working at a summer job. That way, he would not have to study in the heat. But things did not work out that way. Matthew had gotten married last year. That had changed his plans. Now he decided that he would finish school as soon as possible. Then he could get a really good job as soon as possible. It is likely that: a) You can finish college faster if you attend summer school, too. b) Matthew is not allowed to go to college now that he is married. c) Matthew is going to summer school because he takes off every winter.
a) You can finish college faster if you attend summer school, too.
Joe's boat had a hole in it. Joe put the boat in the pond. Water filled the boat through the hole. Now the boat is at the bottom of the pond. Effect: The boat is at the bottom of the pond. What is the Cause? a) Joe put the boat under the water b) There was not water in the pond c) There was a hole in the boat
c) There was a hole in the boat
A jungle has many different trees and plants in it. It rains quite a bit in jungles. Most jungles are in hot areas. It is likely that: a) Jungles are wet places b) There are jungles in every country c) Jungles are found near deserts
a) Jungles are wet places
My father makes the most delicious spaghetti dinners in the world.
What is an opinion
His bark is worse than his bite really means...
He's not as fierce as he seems
At the time of the American Civil War, America was a young country. At that time, farming was America's most important work. That was why, during the Civil War, the government passed a law creating farmer's colleges. The government gave money to states to start farmer's colleges. What, exactly, is a farmer's college? It is very simple. A farmer's college is one that educated people to be farmers. It is a college where people get to learn better farming methods. They learn how to raise better livestock. They learn how to raise better crops. These things were and are very important to America. It is likely that: a) A farmer's college gives money to farmers b) A farmer's college teaches students how to be better, more intelligent, farmers c) Today there are no more farmer's colleges
b) A farmer's college teaches students how to be better, more intelligent, farmers
Peter and his sisters went to the zoo. The saw lots of animals. It started to rain. All of the animals went inside. Cause: It rained at the zoo. What was the Effect? a) The girls saw many animals b) Peter went inside c) The animals went inside
c) The animals went inside
You divide your one apple into four equal parts. You eat two of them. You will eat the rest of them at lunchtime. It is likely that: a) You have three pieces of apple left b) Your apple is almost gone c) You have two pieces of apple left
c) You have two pieces of apple left
A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.
What is a fact.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch really means...
You can't plan on having something until you actually get it