Key Terms
Short Stories
The Lottery
The Outsiders
This is a comparison of two things (usually unlike) using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
This character is brushed off by Narcissus and eventually loses all form, turning into the thing he/she is named for.
What is Echo?
In the Monkey's Paw, the major says, "I won't [give you the paw]... If you keep it, don't blame me for what happens." This is an example of this.
What is foreshadowing?
What are two differences in foreshadowing seen when comparing the lottery written story to the movie?
What is scary music; what is black and white picture; what is girl being told by mom "Things would be different if we won the lottery, you know?" etc.
The Outsiders takes place in this state.
What is Ohklahoma?
An example of this would be using similar sounding words in succession (in a row), such as: Peter Piper Picked Pickled Peppers...
What is alliteration
The inscription on the Scythe reads, "Who wields me," followed by this statement.
What is Wields the World?
In the sentence, "The sign on the wall seemed to quaver uner a film of sliding warm water," there are two of these types of phrases.
What is a prepositional phrase?
In the story, married women cannot do this.
What is draw for themselves?
This is Pony's oldest brother. One very physical job he does is this.
What is Darry? What is roofing?
This is the second stage of a plot diagram, in which something happens (conflict or problem) to cause a need for resolution-- it propels the story forward.
What is rising action?
Two purposes of mythology are these.
What is to teach a lesson and to explain something?
"There was a sound like a gigantic bonfire burning all of time..." This is an example of this term.
What is a simile?
This character (first and last name) gets stoned to death at the end of the story.
Who is Tessie Hutchinson?
This is the author of the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay, which Pony recites for Johnny at the old church.
Who is Robert Frost?
Double Jeopardy: In complete sentences, write two examples each for the following terms: Metaphor, Foreshadowing, personification
See student examples.
The myth of Daedulus and Icarus teaches this lesson.
What is listen to your elders; take the middle way; don't fly too high or too low?
This could be assumed to be the message the author wants you to take from reading "A sound of Thunder." Take three minutes to write it.
If you mess with the past, bad things can happen; even small changes in our actions could bring about big differences; the choices we make may drastically change the course of history, even if it is on a personal and small scale.
Double Jeopardy: Write a paragraph on the purpose of reading the story "Investigating the Nacirema." Why did I have you read it?
What is to be more open-minded. To look at our own culture as others might see it; to look at our own culture without being defensive-- to see that our own culture might seem strange to people who didn't grow up with it. To be more accepting of other cultures different from our own.
This is the book the gang gets for Johnny while in the hospital.
What is Gone with the Wind?
This kind of "this" happens when you expect one thing to happen, but then something opposite and unexpected happens instead.
What is situational irony?
In the myth of the seasons, this character eats 4 of these-- resulting in 4 months of desolate conditions and winter weather.
What is Persephone and pomegranate seeds?
Give to possible explanations linked to The Scythe (what is the author trying to explain).
What is how people die; what is why really bad things, such as the atomic bomb being dropped, world war, etc., happen in today's world.
Where did Mr. Keusink graduate from college? What month was I born in? What year was I born?
What is the Univeristy of Oregon? What is September? What is the year 1982?
Double-Jeopardy: Write a paragraph on why Two-Bit is relieved when Pony picks up the broken glass from his encounter with the socials in ch. 12.
Possible Answer: Two-Bit is afraid that Pony is becoming jaded like the rest of them. He sees more in Pony, but fears he has lost his innocence, not staying "golden" like Johnny had told him. Seeing him clean up after himself, trying to stop others from being harmed, shows him that Pony is still "golden," and not jaded like Dally.