Parts of speech
Organizational structures
Elements of Plot
Dictionary & Thesaurus Use
Figurative language
A person, place, thing, idea, or feeling.
What is a noun?
Example: First, Rhett was late getting to school. Then, he lost his homework. A few minutes later, the teacher asked him to clean out his desk. Now Rhett thinks it will be a bad day.
What is chronological order or sequence?
Basically outlines the problem or obstacle that the characters must overcome.
What is a conflict?
How a dictionary is organized. For example, words that start with the letter A come first. After the A words come the B words.
What is alphabetical order?
The practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. Example: If an author wants to show a happy ending to a story without saying "and everybody lived happily every after," he or she might describe a sunny day or a rainbow--symbols of happiness and cheer.
What is symbolism?
Tells an action or state of being.
What is a verb?
Example: The best time to visit the Rocky Mountains is early fall. The weather is cooler in the fall than in the summer. You will see fewer people and more animals. The fall colors are more beautiful.
What is compare/contrast?
Usually the first thing that we read in a story. It introduces the characters and the setting in which the story takes place.
What is exposition?
Some words come from French. Some come from Spanish. Others are original English words. It is usually in brackets before the definition.
What is word origin?
A comparison using like or as. It usually compares two dissimilar objects. Example: The man was as tall as a tree. This compares the man to a tree. Example: The crater was as wide as a football field. This compares the crater to a football field.
What is simile?
This word is used to *modify* or describe a person, place, thing, idea, or feeling.
What is an adjective?
Example: It rained for the first few days of the camping trip. As a result, most of the campers were restless and wanted to go home.
What is cause and effect?
Occurs after the conflict has been introduced. It usually includes details about what the character does after realizing what his/her obstacles are.
What is rising action?
Example: \ə\ as a in abut \a\ as a in ash \ā\ as a in ace \ä\ as o in mop \aů\ as ou in out \ch\ as ch in chin
What is a pronunciation key?
The repetition of the same consonant sounds or of different vowel sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables Example: My big brother bought a baseball.
What is alliteration?
This word connects two words, sentences, phrases or clauses together.
What is a conjunction?
Example: The city of Taylor has fifteen public swimming pools. In the past, plenty of lifeguards have been available for staffing the pools throughout the summer. Most of the lifeguards were teenagers out of school for the summer. This year, however, not enough lifeguards have signed up to work. The city has started asking healthy, retired people to be lifeguards. They will be trained by the city for free if they will agree to work 10 hours per week at a city pool. They will be paid $8 an hour for their work.
What is problem/solution?
Comes right after the climax. It explains how the conflict is resolved and what happens to the characters after the story ends.
What is resolution?
These are at the top corner of the page and tell which words are first and last on the page. Words that come between these words in alphabetic order are on this page.
What are guide words?
A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect. Example: This book weighs a ton. Example: I could sleep for a year.
What is hyperbole?
It is any word that modifies any part of speech or other verbs other than a noun. It can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and adverbs.
What is an adverb?
Example: Families brought quilts, made pallets, and slept on the floor in the large upstairs room of the boat. There were four or five smaller rooms upstairs that the Browns rented. People who couldn't pay the rent brought chickens, pigs, eggs, syrup, peas, and corn in return for the goods and services the Browns offered their guests.
What is description?
It is the part in the story that the most exciting and interesting action takes place. It is also where the character directly confronts the conflict in the story.
What is the climax?
It is the meaning of a word. Some words have more than one meaning. Dictionaries number them when there is more than one.
What is a definition?
A figure of speech in which things are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form. Example: A reference to thunder booming "angrily" personifies thunder by giving it emotion. Example: a smiling moon
What is personification?