Context Clues
Suffixes and Prefixes
Main Idea and Key Details
Test Taking Skills

Read the sentence:

My mama cooks a massive meal before all of our family comes over for dinner. We have 5 pies for dessert!

What does the word massive mean in this sentence?

Big, huge, large, or gigantic
Identify the suffix and the root word:


Root word: teach

Suffix: er


What is the main idea?

The most important part of a text, what the text is mostly about

Read the paragraph below.

I have quite an exciting job that allows me to work with lots of exotic animals. I work hard from the early morning to the end of the day because a lot of critters depend on me. I am in charge of feeding animals, cleaning habitats, and making sure all the animals are happy and healthy. 

Make an inference: What is this person's job?

Zookeeper, person who works with animals in some way
When you take the state test, what should the room sound and look like?
It should be quiet. People will have privacy screens and computers. They will be focused on their work.
Read the sentence:

After a long day at school and basketball practice, I get in my bed and take a nice long slumber.

What does the word slumber mean?

To sleep
Identify the prefix and root word:


Give a definition of the word.

Prefix: Un

Root word: happy

Defintion: Not happy

What are key details?
The smaller parts of the text, they support the main idea

Read the paragraph below.

Rafi walks back to class with his new book. He is so excited to read it! Ms. Lula was super helpful and checked it out for Rafi.

Make an inference: Where was Rafi?

The library
When you take the state test, if you don't know the answer, what should you do?
You should take your best guess! Reread the problem again or reread the instructions again.
Read the sentence:

My brother bought me milk, but I can't drink milk because it makes me sick. So, I went to the store and got an alternative drink. I bought apple juice instead.

What does the word alternative mean?

Substitute, different choice
Identify the prefix and the root word:


Give a definition of the word.

Prefix: Pre

Root Word: Plan

Defintion: Plan before


Read the passage and find the main idea:

I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say, “Dance, Boots”, he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know of many dogs that can do such amazing tricks.

My dog Boots knows lots of tricks that I taught him.

Read the paragraph.

Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and  carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He  hopped in his truck and drove off. The sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters.”

Make a conclusion: What do you know about Hudson?

Hudson is a plumber. Hudson works with pipes. Hudson is going to work.
If a question asks you to read several paragraphs, how many sentences do you need to write at least?
You should write at least 8 sentences.
Read the sentence:

The driver halted at the stop sign. Then, they started driving again.

What does the word halted mean?

Stopped, didn't move
Identify the suffix of the word and the root word.


Use the word in a sentence.

Suffix: Ly

Root word: Excited

Example: I excitedly walked to the ice cream store.


Read the text and find a key detail:

Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules.

Examples: Peter can't wear his shoes in the house now.

Peter's dog isn't allowed to play ball anymore. 

Peter can't eat or drink in the living room.


Read the paragraph below.

Everett held his father's hand as he crossed the busy parking lot. They walked  into a grocery store. Everett's dad lifted him  into the seat of the shopping cart. “Here,” said dad, “You can hold my shopping list.” 

What can you infer about Everett?

Everett is young or little. Everett and his dad love each other. 
How long do you need to spend working on the test at least?
You should spend at least 30 minutes on the test. You can not finish before then.
Read the sentence:

Black widow spiders reside in North America. 

What does reside mean?

Live, stay
Identify the root word. Tell if there is a suffix or a prefix.


Extra credit: Tell what the suffix or prefix means.

Root word: beauty

Suffix: ful, which means full of 


Read the passage and find the main idea:

 Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said,  “Happy Birthday, Joey!” Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.

I had a great birthday!

Read the paragraph below.

Jam watched as her new next-door neighbors moved in. She observed a tall man carrying a bicycle and a kayak into the garage. She also saw a young woman carrying a surfboard through the front door. 

What is a conclusion you have about Jam's new neighbors?

They like to play outdoors. They like sports. They are active.
What are two things you can do to get ready for the state test at home?
You can: 

1. Practice the test online.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast.

3. Sleep well the night before.

4. Take to your family's about doing your best!
