Genres of Literature
Point of View
Suprise Suprise
A Little Bit of Everything
A genre of literature that uses animals as characters and always teaches a life lesson.
What is a fable?
A point of view where the author tells about their own experiences.
What is first person point of view.
What type of literary device is being used here: Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.
What is alliteration.
The most exciting part of the story where everything begins to change.
What is the climax of a story?
Maps, Brochures, letters, advertisements, graphs, tables, etc.
What are examples of functional text?
A genre of literature that explains something about the world and uses elements such as gods, goddesses and creatures.
What is a myth?
A point of view in which the story is told by a narrator. The narrator knows only one person's point of view.
What is third person limited point of view?
Meow, Buzzz, tick tock, mooo are all examples of this literary device.
What is onomatopoeia?
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion.
What is plot?
An expression that can not be understood if it is taken literally.
What is an idiom?
A genre of literature that includes elements such as a prince charming, magic, and a happy ending (happily ever after).
What is a fairy tale?
A point of view where the story is told by a narrator. The narrator knows everybody's point of view.
What is third person omniscient point of view?
Give an example of a metaphor.
Answers will vary.
Edit the following. just because i live in globe doesnt mean i am an oakie people that live in big city's like san diego are just like me.
Just because I live in Globe doesn't mean I am an Oakie. Other people that live in big cities like San Diego are just like me.
What is the ryhme scheme for this poem? I sat on a log The log in a bog I talked to my cat Who sat near my feet.
What is an example of an aabc rhyme scheme?
A genre of literature that is passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. *Has no known author.
What is a folktale?
Nancy didn't know what to do. She was furious with Ned. Ned however thought Nancy was being ridiculous. He didn't see anything wrong with leaving the dog at a shelter.
What is an example of third person omniscient point of view.
A comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as.
What is a simile?
The first part of a plot diagram. This part of the story introduces the charcters, the setting, and the problem/conflict in the story.
What is the exposition of a story?
What type of figurative language are used in this sentence? The kitten was a wild beast attacking the string.
What is an example of a metaphor.
One example of a fable.
What is the tortoise and the hare; the gingerbread man; the country mouse and city mouse; the lion and the mouse.
I was running so fast I thought my lungs would burst. The beast was coming closer. I didn't think I would make it. I grabbed the top of the fence and hoisted myself over.
What is first person point of view.
What type of figurative language is this an example of? The waves roared in thunderous claps.
What is an example of personification?
A poem that follows a 5-7-5 rhyming pattern and is usually about nature.
What is a haiku?
A poem with an a, a, b, b, a rhyme scheme.
What is a limerick?