Tall Tales
What do we call a vehicle with TWO wheels
What is a bicycle
something that is great in size or amount is said to be..
What is vast
spell /vahst/
What is VAST
Scott looked in the small mirror and combed his hair. He checked his teeth and his face to make sure they were clean. Then, he sat on the stool and firmly placed his feet on the black line. He smiled his best smile as a flash of light burst in front of him. What is Scott about to do?
What is get his photo taken
What is a tall tale?
What is a story about a person who is bigger than someone could really be in real life.
Give the vocabulary word that also means enormous or very big...
What is gigantic
Everyone in this room is ONE of a kind or _________
What is unique
Spell /trip uh l?
What is TRIPLE
Mr. Smith walked into the large room. He wrote his name and date on the board in cursive. The hall was crowded and noisy. The bell rang and several kids walked into the room and sat down. Mr. Smith called out each of their names and made checkmarks in his book. What is Mr. Smith's job?
What is a teacher
What two things are being compared in this simile? Ms. L ran as fast as a cheetah
What is Ms. L and a cheetah
Give the vocabulary word that means NOT welcoming
What is inhospitable
Something that is always the same for everyONE. For example, if we were all required to wear the same thing to school we would be wearing______________
What is uniform
Spell /yoo neek/
What is unique
The siren screamed loudly. Tim jumped up and put on his boots and suit. He rushed down the pole and got inside the red truck. The truck stopped and he scampered out. He could feel the heat on his face as he carried the long, heavy hose. Feeling nervous, he ran toward the house and sprayed it with water. What is going on at the house?
What is it is on fire
Name one character from the Tall tales we have read so far
What is Stormalong, Sally Ann Whirlwind Thunder, Paul Bunyan, Febold Feboldson, Mike Fink, Davy Crockett
Name the muscles in the leg that is made up of FOUR muscles
What is quadriceps
A series of THREE is known as a _____________. Jed hit a _________when he was up to bat.
What is a triple
Spell /jahy gan tik/
What is gigantic
The eastern mole is an interesting animal. Its body is made to live underground because it is small and flexible. It also digs all the time. In the three years it is alive, it pushes hundreds of yards of dirt! The mole also eats nonstop. It eats worms and other insects. In just one day, it eats as much as it weighs. Which of these sentences is probably true? A.The eastern mole moves slowly. B. The eastern mole cannot smell. C. The eastern mole eats so much because it needs the energy to dig.
What is C.
Give an example of exaggeration He was so strong he ______________________
What is could lift the bus with one finger.
When something is made bigger or better than what it is we call it___________________or giving characters a super human quality
What is exaggeration
FOUR times the amount__________If you earn 5 dollars per week in FOUR weeks you will ____________your savings.
What is quadruple
Spell /ig zaj uh rey shuh n/
What is exaggeration
Vanessa walked into the small room. A little boy was sitting on her table. He was wearing a red t-shirt and blue jean shorts. Vanessa looked inside his ears, his nose, and his mouth. Then, she talked to the lady that was standing next to him and handed her a small piece of paper. What can you tell about the little boy
What is the boy is sick
Create your own simile
What is anything is acceptable as long as two things are compared using like or as.